
It worked but there was a delay on the arrival of the encrypted message. Just got it a few seconds ago:)

Ahh okay.. that's probably just the fly in the ointment you were referring to. A.K.A. Steemit's servers.. 🤦‍♂️

They key is being signed in with the memo key. I sent you one as well. I could not do it unless I had signed in with the memo and I cannot see encrypted memos unless signed in with the memo. Otherwise it works like a charm:) Now I am wondering how many secrets messages I have missed. I usually only sign in with my posting key:)

Oh duh!! Of course lol. That's what that memo key is for! Glad I decided to use you as my guinea pig bc somebody else might not have figured that out. 😁

I had no idea what that key was for either ... until today. It's the secret message key. LOL:):):) Now we know:)