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RE: Introducing the Steem Defender Bot. Designed to Protect Steem From Economic Collapse and Support Minnow Growth (Article)

in #steemit7 years ago

There is a reasonable trade-off between inequality and growth. Ideal asset equality is when everyone has nothing. Here and now we tolerate rather significant levels of inequality. But even whales here are pretty social. For now. In future it might become a problem then we have a few solutions in hand like sqrt-like vests curve or more complicated reward system.

I do believe that the properties of open and no-barriers crypto systems prevent extreme totlitarian scenarios by themselves. We just need to take care of rough edges as soon as they become bounds to growth and development.


And as someone is sucked into the power of their reasoning tone.

There is a reasonable trade-off between inequality and growth

No there is never a reason to be party to inequality. NEVER. Remember WWII Hitler, the Nazi's, and the final solution. There is never a reason to be party to inequality!!!!!

For socialist utopia please proceed to another blockchain.