Steem USB Cold Storage - Design Concept

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

For a while now I have been wanting to make a USB device that I could use as a cold storage for my Steemit passwords. It soon dawned on me that I want to store the information both on paper and digitally on USB.

After making some research of how documents have been preserved and stored throughout history, I read about the scroll box. I was inspired right away and wanted to make a modern twist to it.


I chose to make the overall piece in wood, and I wanted the box to be bigger than your average USB device since I want it to feel more physical and reliable and less easy to lose.


The wood I chose is cherry wood as it's solid and durable as well as beautiful. The Steem logo has an inlay with chrome detailing.


So let's open the box and check inside.


The inside has a carved out O shape that can fit the rolled up paper which you have printed the passwords on. Inside of this ring holds the USB device.


The USB device is very small and light so it's easy to attach to any digital divice.


The paper will be kept dry and safe inside the wooden container, and the dark will keep the print from fading.


Here is an overall image of the device so it can be seen very clearly. I like this design because I think our treasured Steemit passwords should be stored in a good reliable place. I'm gonna make a prototype of it as soon as I move back to Sweden and I will see how the design will look and work in real life.

Please let me know your feedback of what you think of the design ? Do you have any ideas of improvement or other suggestions ?


Fabulous @dandesign! I love it!

I will send you and airmatti one each when I go back !

Hi @kus-knee, if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

Done! Very nice design!

Thanks buddy ! I appreciate your support

What incredible craftsmanship, I like it! I'd like one in a metallic effect :)
i see a nice ecommerce boutique line coming soon ... shipping worldwide with payment accepted in STEEM or SBD!
i've been playing around in fact with woocommerce steemit plugin myself....

Thanks a lot :) I didn't know about woocommerce - I will have to check it out . I will also make one in metallic effect and see how it looks - it migh be very cool as well :)

Btw if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

Smart smart smart. You better protect that paper insert idea ASAP if it hasn't been created before. It could be your claim to design fame (aside from that lamp).

What about water resistance? A rubber flap around it to repel or protect against an accident drop into water?

(just a tip, it's "device" and "lose") if this trends as it should for more eyes to see.

I haven't seen any other paper insert design to be honest, but it would be very hard to protect the idea - however this post on the blockchain can be a testement that I came up with it first.

The water resistance idea is awesome ! This definitely should be included . I will think about how to implement it - maybe a rubberflap is the way- it should be the most simple and best - awesome suggestion - thanks buddy ! And also thanks for pointing out the misspells- I appreciate it :)

looks awesome

Thanks buddy :) If I figure out a way to make it in Sweden (which shouldn't be hard) I will send you one !

I know how to to it! You just have to come here and i show you how. Great design by the way.

Thanks a lot ! It would be a very nice project to do :)

Look so great ..
Thanks for sharing..

Thanks buddy ! Followed back :)

I will be more happy if you can leave a comment the next time, to let me know your point of view about my blog, wish you a great and sunny day.

Very clever and creative idea, upvoted! This might have a chance at trending. Great work!

Thanks a lot ! It would be awesome if it would go trending :)

Btw if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

Great, very well designed. I like the esthetic part and the practical part. You have a customer.

I will send you and kus-knee one each when I move to Sweden as a gift !

Thanks a lot! It's really a good project, and will be loved around here!

My pleasure!

Wow amazing and awesome. I like your concept of saving steemit passwords in both form(hard copy and soft copy). And this usb design is a complete package for keeping our passwords safe. It is already complete, no need of improvement or changes according to me. Complete design and concept.

Many thanks for your kind comment - I really appreciate it :)

How do you stop people from opening the USB device and reading your paper password. Doesn't appear to be a lock for the lid.

Yea this is basically like your average USB cold storage principe - you would need to keep it in a safe or bank vault. The thing you really need to protect is the master password and unless someone steels your others keys you won't have to use the information saved. It's basically just a backup.

You in particular would have to lock up this divide very well so the gold diggers you bring home won't take it ;)

Love it! What about putting a slight indent right above the USB (in the circle area) so it's easier to pull the paper out. Also, maybe it wouldn't be good to showcase the Steem logo because it could become a target for thieves. Just a thought! 🤔

I like the advice about the indent . Otherwise it would be hard to get the paper out - thanks for the advice! The Steem logo could be with or without , or customized logo of other crypto. Since this divide won't have any security feature like a pin or such, it will have to be stored safely - maybe in a safe or bank vault.

Good point! Perfect for a safe!

I would totally buy this

Thanks for the encouragement - I'm going to make a web shop in the coming months and try to produce this :)

well Im already following you so please keep us updated

sure will :)

Love the wood design and how you incorporated a place for the paper. Upvoted and followed!

Thanks a lot buddy !

What else can be more amazing than this?
Absolutely perfect.
But I will like the steem logo colour to be kinda lemon in order to represent original steemit colour.

Thanks man. The original logo was lemon color ? I thought it's blue ?

Lol, I have problem identifying colours tho
It'll be cool if you just make the logo to be the original colour (probably blue like you said)

Wow nice really cool @dandesign86. Keep us posted when you're finished. I think I would like to have one of them
! 👍

Thanks buddy - sure will do !

what an interesting and necessary device. Absolutely necessary :)
Superhit. Love it , @dandesign86

Thank you :) Glad you liked it !

Looks cool anyways!

thanks buddy - glad you liked the design!

I love it man!

Good design and great concept.

I like the carved wood concept.

I'd order one!


Thanks buddy ! I also really like real wood for this design. Also it will be much better if making the product at home

It's beautiful. Makes me want to hodl it. :)

Thank you for saying that it makes me feel like the design was very successful:)

Wow! That is freshhhh! Looking forward to the prototype!
Looking even more forward to seeing it on the market!

Thanks buddy ! If I figure out how to make it I will send you one for free !

In return I will ship you out some of the finest beers in New England!

That sounds like a good trade to me !

Exellent my friend

Thanks buddy !

@dandesign86, looks great to me. Definitely try to do something universal for all cryptos, maybe goes viral ;)

I like this idea, can you make it universal? buy maybe you are not competing with nano ledger and trezor, targeting steem owners only, and of course I don't believe trezor nor nano support STEEM yet

I definitely agree. I think the brand of the crypto could be made on the lid and you can stack some of these and keep them in order.

Worth of trying.

Beautiful design man! Such a great idea.

Thanks a lot I'm glad you like :)

That. is. a. superb. Idea !!!

Can't wait to see how it turns out :)

Thanks a lot :) I'll keep updating as the project develops

Btw if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

hehe, already did !

I quite like the design, very clean and representative, though it lacks a bit in the symbolism department in my opinion, at least compared to most of the others.

It seems it's gotten quite popular, and compared to the design with the second most votes, I'd say yours is the definite winner (I'm not too sure, but I think that design has a lot of votes aimed at the designer, instead of the design itself, for some reason).

Thanks a lot for your honest response and I agree with the fact that there could be more symbolism !

Awesome concept! I think instead of printing on the paper you can also stamp/emboss the password on the paper so that it wouldn't be subject to the physical degradation of the ink but the actual paper itself. I was thinking that you would simply engrave the password onto the USB stick but it is better that the two are kept physically separate as well. I'd love to see how it looks in real life so hopefully you will be moving back to Sweden soon.

Thanks a lot for your nice comment. I also think it would be cool ignore it could be punched out. Actually in that case maybe the paper could even be changed to a very thin film of metal ? This way it could survive both heat and water

I guess changing the paper to a think film of metal would probably result in other changes to your design. I read about paper that incorporate rocks that would be an interesting material to use as well in terms of durability (you could probably make the entire gadget out of it too):

Just out of interest, are you in China for work? Just interested in the Sweden-China connection :p

I helped A Swedish company set up a daughter company here that I have been running for 3 years. I'm heading back to the head office in Sweden at the end of March

Must have been a very interesting experience for you :) I have to admit that my trip to China was an eye-opener because you only get to hear about a little bit of what happens on the media. Did you manage to pick up much Chinese? I think the blockchain economy is going to have a lot of impact or influence on how China interacts with the rest of the world.

I'm fluent in Mandarin by now, but I have been living here for 15 years so it's not so impressive hehe. Where are you from ?

I was born in Taiwan but my family moved to Australia when I was young. It was a struggle to keep up with my mandarin but at least the people on the mainland seem to like the lack of accent when Taiwanese people speak mandarin :) Where abouts in China did you spend most of your time? I guess they still see Europeans in China speaking mandarin as a bit of novelty over there :D

nice info

Really nice to be a solid device such a steemit device encourages us a lot

nice technique

This wonderful post has received a @dandesign86 16.76% upvote from @mrswhale. Discord Channel: Please vote with the link below if you support our project.

This post has received a 21.81 % upvote, thanks to: @dandesign86.

I like this one... but, I want one I can clip on my collar and take with me wherever I go!

well that could be an option, for steemit dogs :)

This post has received a 2.81 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @dandesign86

This post has received gratitude of 0.74 % from @appreciator thanks to: @dandesign86.

I would love to have one of these for my family’s Steemit accounts ... this is genius!


Thank you so much :) I will develop it and keep you updated :)

Perfect! Look forward to it.

Hi @jeejee if you have time, could you please check out this competition I entered, if you like my design please give it an upvote cheers

I couldn't find your name on one of the designs ... is it under your name @dandesign86 ?

It's under @dandesign87 . You vote for the comment of the design you like . #27 . Thanks for the support

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very nice design and great job....

Thanks a lot buddy ! If I figure out how to make it I will send you one

message me on steemit chat if you get a minute, I have a question for you

Do you have a problem with memes?