
Classical liberalism Vs. The SJWs. A war has broken out on the Daily Dose today! LOL! :D

God help us!!! :/

This thread is a 'live' one alright!!

sorry I do have just a little question... him. With auto voting you can not earn a living. Furthermore you do not just short post, and there are also syntetic people. I am a very stubborn, determinate and overreacting person, but it seems to me he is a way exaggerating. Does he want to flag me? well I think he can do better than that. He could have the same identical discussion with you without flagging. I do not agree with you, mindhunter all the time, and sometimes you do not agree with me too.. thanks God you did not come to my blog, esterminating all my post with flag.

Thanks for avoding to ruin my life... this is not asking mercy but I am jobless, with a chronical diseases and expensive tooth problems... Jesus this situation is surreal

Morpheus will be here soon to unplug me from the Steematrix ... I'm going to stop at 30K comments!