
You are probably right about the real worth.
The worth is just the amount of trust.
Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in. That way would prevent the speculating. Or do it with a 3day timer for transactions.
I live the fact that I can buy or bid on stuff just with sbd. As long as there is a straight or almost straight connection to any fiat-currency it is almost guarantied to be speculated on..

"Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in."

We can do that. But then it wouldn't be a currency.

Yeah probably not currency as we know it now but certanly a token to trade goods and that is all we need I think.

In the Lorraine (a small part of Bern, Switzerland) they introduced a sort of currency which is all about helping your neighbours. Some electricians, painters and a local food store are participating and they just exchange goods for services via this alternative currency.
Of course it is not a global thing but I feel like it is a nice try to bypass the banks once again.

Hopefully the influx of 'dumb' money for speculation will help fund some good alternatives! We'll see!