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RE: The Bitcoin Psyop

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

As long as there is the trend of speculating with bitcoin the currency is dangerous in my opinion. You can't trust the value since it can change in a matter of minutes.
We need ro have a currency which is stable, has material worth in it but still should be able to bypass the bankaccounts.
I really don't understand cryptocurrencies at all becuase there is just too much information to wrap your head around.
Could there be a way to create a currency which is fairly stable? As long as it is tradeable someone with a load of cash can manipulate the system. There has to be a solution for that.


All the crypto's are too irrational right now; no one knows what they are actually are worth, but you can bet that their intrinsic value is much lower than their current dollar price.

You are probably right about the real worth.
The worth is just the amount of trust.
Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in. That way would prevent the speculating. Or do it with a 3day timer for transactions.
I live the fact that I can buy or bid on stuff just with sbd. As long as there is a straight or almost straight connection to any fiat-currency it is almost guarantied to be speculated on..

"Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in."

We can do that. But then it wouldn't be a currency.

Yeah probably not currency as we know it now but certanly a token to trade goods and that is all we need I think.

In the Lorraine (a small part of Bern, Switzerland) they introduced a sort of currency which is all about helping your neighbours. Some electricians, painters and a local food store are participating and they just exchange goods for services via this alternative currency.
Of course it is not a global thing but I feel like it is a nice try to bypass the banks once again.

Hopefully the influx of 'dumb' money for speculation will help fund some good alternatives! We'll see!