Steemit.Chat Contest #14 + Contest #13 Winners Announcement!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

The 13th contest was about sharing the biggest setback that you’ve faced in your professional career and how did you deal with it? There were some good entries and it was quite interesting to read through them and select 6 winners.

I was a little late on starting the 13th contest and hence I’m closing it a bit early to stay on schedule.

Congrats to these Steemians who won Contest #13:

  1. @devilonwheels - I still remember those days of life. I had taken a loan and did re-construction of my home to get it ready for my marriage. However, I was suffering from depression & darkness due to various things going on in life and family for long. Then, my father met an accident and eventually lost his job. I was the only earning member left in the family. To make things worse, in 2008, I was on a stage in my job to either go onsite or quit the job. It became extremely difficult to focus, prepare & hunt a new job with all the sufferings in life & software industry being at a low. A hefty loan to pay & support my family, I took up the challenge and went into a cocoon with no connection to the outer world. In a month, I came up with three job offers & rebooted my life in next 7 months.

  2. @dexterdev - I started my engineering degree education in 2004 and everything was going well. In the first year my results were also great. Then came the horrible days. In the beginning of 3rd semester I started showing symptoms of bipolar disorder and everything went upside down. I had to stop by classes and was under treatment. I rejoined with my juniors later, but was an average student by that time. I was unable to focus on studies, but still managed to somehow complete my degree. And then came recession period of 2008. I was unable to find a job and so spent months preparing for masters admission. And finally I was doing again better in academics. After my masters I switched my field and now doing PhD in computational biology. I am so happy to share this to others because those who undergo any experience like bipolar disorder in India usually don't get back to life easily especially in India. But it was possible for me because of my mom's support and good treatment which I got. Best wishes for everyone!

  3. @vdux - About 4 years ago, I was turned down for promotion when my new boss brought on his own person instead of promoting me. They wanted “culture change” and, since I embodied the previous culture, targeted me. On a few occasions, they actually humiliated me. I kept my head down and worked with both of them to find ways I could help them with the things they wanted to do. I learned new dialogue strategies and figured out how to act the way they wanted, even though sometimes it felt disingenuous. Once I had rebuilt trust with the new management, I created an opportunity for me to lead the communications team for our division’s training program. The new role put me under another supervisor and further away from my second-level boss. I now make as much as my former boss and work on cooler projects for higher-ranking managers.

  4. @free-ion - Being fit is one of the most important aspects of my Job in the Army, If one is unfit he can cannot command the same from the troops under command. How can you tell a guy to do something which you personally cannot do! As lead by personal example is the foundation of leaders, especially in the Army. I joined the Army 2005, though I was not into sports before, the training made me fitter and athletic. But in 2006 while paying football I injured by knee to an extent that I could hardly walk leave aside run or play for almost a year. That was a major setback, I lost all self confidence, was afraid to task my troops since I could not perform. Depression took over me, I stopped participating in central functions and kept myself closed in the office day in and day out. Obviously this had to stop, one fine day I decided that enough is enough, I need to get out if this, but how? thats where I started referring to fitness videos and articles on the internet and that when i decided to make a paradime shift in my lifestyle , first I and formost I needed to incorporate a fitness schedule keeping mind my knee issues, Yoga came to my rescue, I started following various yoga plans and finally settled on with Yoga Guru Baba Ramdevs weekly yoga schedule. And within a span of 6 months i was stronger, Fitter and more flexible. I could now do 100 Surya Namaskars in a go. I even started running 2-3 Km everyday. Now I realised that in addition to yoga I need to also look into my diets for better results, while going through all types of diets, I came to know about raw till four diet wherein one just has raw unprocessed food for breakfast and lunch ( Mono fruit meals,Smoothies ,Salads etc). It was logical, our bodies are such that natural unprocessed food allows immediate nutrition while reducing the energy consumption for throwing out unwanted food waste. I referred to books such as forks over knives and saw videos on youtube for a Chinese experiment. I referred following, The 80/10/10 diet (The 80/10/10 diet is a low-fat, raw, vegan diet that focuses on consuming raw food and carbohydrates. Those on the diet break up their calories as 10 percent fat and 10 percent lean protein. The other 80 percent comes from complex carbohydrates). Last two years I have been following this schedule now, and yes there are changes. Now I am fitter than ever and Yoga Teacher , A avid runner ( I have ran 6 Half Marathons last years---yeah working to improve on it), started cycling ( Cycled for 500km from Manali to Leh). SO all in all last year has been great. Professionally I am much more confident now and take part in all extra curricular activities along with troops. Thats a welcome and satisfying change.

  5. @hungry-nomad - A year and a half ago, my company went bankrupt and stopped paying our salaries. Most employees were fired and the rest of them resigned. Having recently moved out of my probation period I didn't have much savings left to survive. Even then I decided to stay and help them overcome the scenario. They had helped me at such difficult times and always stood by me that it would've just been wrong to ditch them when they needed me the most. So, I stayed and helped them cover up the losses by delivering all the projects to the clients. The next 5 months were tough as hell! I worked for 3 months straight without a salary. I cut down my expenses and wiped clean my savings. But today, the struggles and hard-work has paid off well. We have successfully launched our own product and I even hold shares in it!

  6. @finance2nomad - I thought my career was over when I got into a severe argument with my long-time boss, mentor and friend. Having worked for him and his company for more than 25 years, my situation was stable and genuinely rewarding. However, after the argument he casted a public nightmare vote of no-confidence in me and I had to leave the company. At the time, this was a huge setback for me, however I learned that standing still and resting on your laurels is helping your competition overtaking you. This was the clear go signal for initiating change in my life. I started my own company and it has grown into a firm with more than 1 million euro of revenue and more than 15 employees. The unexpected curveball of my mentor publicaly rejecting me has led me to enjoy life in ways never deemed possible.

I read some incredible stories in the entries and it was a very difficult decision to make. I'm so thankful to everyone who shared a little bit of their lives with me and other users of the Contest channel!

Winners please be patient until the previous contest post pays out and I find time to send out the sbds. I’m travelling a lot and timelines can get pushed forward sometimes.

Contest #14

Let's get on with the 14th contest and it’s quite simple. I'm sure many of you will participate in this. We’ll run this in the official contest channel on Steemit.Chat.

Share your experience!

  1. 1 Entry per person.
  2. Answer this Question: What is the nicest thing a stranger has done for you?
  3. Maximum word count cap of 150 words. I will consider longer entries at my discretion based on context.
  4. Post a single comment in steemitchat-contest channel with your entry.
  5. You have until the next Monday till this post pays out or my announcement in the channel closing the contest (whichever is earlier).
  6. There will be 6 winners. I will choose 6 responses that I like the most. Winners will get an equal split of the SBDs from this post.
  7. Multiple entries will lead to disqualification so kindly post a single comment in the chatroom!
  8. Contest will take place in steemitchat-contest channel on Steemit.Chat.

You are also welcome to drop more Steemit.Chat contest ideas in this post or in the contest channel and you may get some SBDs if your idea gets selected for a future contest.

Let contest #14 begin!

If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. India Steem Meetup #2—An Incredible Meetup In Bangalore—IT Capital of India!
  2. 4 Tips For Steemit Account Recovery & Wallet Security!
  3. Let's Talk—Why Are You Not Buying and Powering Up Steem?

Follow Me: @firepower


I love your contests and how you are making this platform more fun by contributing to it so much.
Here are some ideas for future contests. Maybe you will like some of them.
The biggest setback in your life and what have you learned from it or how did you deal with it?

What dream do you have in your life? What's your dream/goal?

What does Freedom mean to you?

What was the toughest decision you had to make in your life?

Thank you! Please feel free to participate in the current contest. :)

Thank you. I already did in the steemitchat-contest

Really loving this new idea and reading the amazing stories shared by the users.

Wow...this is amazing indeed. What a better way to improve sustained engagement on the system. More power to your elbow.

Congratulations to the winners really @firepower great contest u got here👍🏼

@firepower this topic is quite tricky... Supposing no stranger has done anything nice for you ,could the answer be 'NOTHING'? 😂😂😂. Kidding though... looking forward to see a contest about ones highest academic achievements and the experience to go alongs with it and probably pictures... Haters will say I'm prescribing a topic to suit myself but I'm like nah, I'm in it for the potential earnings. Kudos to you 🔥-💪

Yay!You just made my day....thank you so much ☺

greetings from aceh (indonesia)

It is a wonderful person who can change the situation that seems difficult.I was very encouraged;D

I think I missed contest 13 by a whisker. The selections seem to be fair.

Bracing myself for the contest 14!

image source

You do know Ned stark was eliminated in the Game of Thrones right? :D

Yeah. I will try hard enough not to be eliminated this time. :)

Congratulations to the winners

This is social good. I'm going to participate in this.
Congratulations to the 13th winners!

@firepower : WoW.. Thank you. I am so happy that my entry got selected. I am right now in my office writing a scientific article. :) I am very happy for our community in general. Best wishes to everyone for next contest!

Congrats to all winners. Keep it up guyz.

I have issues registering the i was sent a confirmation email but couldn’t click on the link sent to me.. what do i do?

Cool 🙂 🙂

Thanks so much @firepower! So happy to be selected and for others to read inspiring stories. Well done!

Wow !!! Congratulations for the winners :)

Wow, @frirepower you're really making me think with this one. I'm usually the one helping others out.

Please check out my blog.


Your challenge was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (22.01-28.01): Win free SBD and STEEM (more than 50 contests!) for current week.

Thank you @firepower for giving Steemians (especially minnows) a chance to get free SBD.

Ya 2008 hit my family hard as Well.

Amazing post, just followed and resteemed, Follow me back and upvote my posts as well. Hope we can be good friends.

It is amazing! I loved what you did. I wanna participate in the next contest!

Congrats friends for your great participation .Thanks for organising such a beautiful opportunities to the people you are always a rock star of the community. Stay blessed and happy every day.

Wow, I cannot imagine I made it :D ... Thank you @firepower and congratulations to all the winners. BTW, over a period of time I had forgotten to an extent those ugly days of my life to an extent. Sharing them too me right to those days but today I can laugh at them because of all what I could do post that and thanks to that nightmarish day, I am what I am today !!

Everything happens for a reason, mostly which is a good reason :-)

Cheers !!

Last week I noticed your contest and then I also participated in contest 13... But might be my story was not good enough to tell... But i will
participate in contest 14 too....

An idea for the future contest:
What's on your bucket list this year? Which was the most recent one you accomplished?

Thanks so much @firepower! So happy to be selected.....

Just wanted to tell you how it is interesting to read others stories or some of their diaries, this way we can learn from others and know that everyone has good things and bad things that happen in life
All the best to you @firepower

Hi Firepower, warm regard

Great job guys @devilonwheels @dexterdev @free-ion @hungry-nomad , good luck in the nextsteps ! i m beginner but i start to understant something ! i can participate to Contest #14 ? :D

I would love to participate in these contests and really hate that I have missed the previous ones! Just to be clear, all I have to do is post my entry on the contest channel in chat? I don't have to tag anyone or use any type of tags? Many thanks for your time!

As a travel blogger and a biker, I have some very good examples from my past where in I got the most from strangers when I expected the least. I'll be sharing my best post soon.

This kind of stuff is what made me join steemit community. Please I would love to participate in this contest but don't know how to set up the steemit chat.. Can someone please help me out..
I'm a newbie

Is this contest still running?

Brother, plz always like my posts and U plz follow me.

Congratulations to the winners and appreciation for the organizer, Hope this contest grow big and should otherwise prove to be a good catalyst to keep the passion of steemiting afloat.

I wish I win this time.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Friendsh i love your post

I am encouraged by the testimonies from the previous contests. i like to join as well.

I love your contests and the exposure you are given to us. Here are a few ideas for future contest.

The happiest day of your life and the event that took place

The most dreadful day experienced in your life

The greatest betrayal you have gotten from a friend detailing when it happened.

The best relationship you have ever had.