Steemit Gets A Small UI Update-Ask And You Shall Receive?

in #steemit6 years ago

The front page is far from palatable but the slight UI changes are quite welcome. It looks better than before at this point the update seems like a minor one.

While it seems they've attempted to the fix the reputation bug, the wallet page continues to display rep (25) before switching over to the actual one. I hope it gets fixed once and for all. Here's a gif that shows you the issue.

As a witness to the blockchain I'm curious to know where the HF20 development stands today. I hope Inc decides to release new updates on the development of the blockchain soon. Mobile apps are another area that needs a faster solution as everyone on this platform wants to use one today and we're nearly 2 years into this platform without a working native app.

Some of these questions are always asked in most discussions I've had with users I meet during offline meets. Unfortunately I've never had a believable answer to these. I guess a few months from now is as good as it gets?

Thanks to @good-karma for the functional and productive Esteem app which has made life easier for most Steemit users out there.

It has been 8 months since HF20-Velocity was proposed on the Steemitblog. I hope the delays result in some exciting new features if not at the very least get these proposed changes out and running.

Do you think a couple of updates from Inc on the overall developments of the platform in a month is a good idea? I certainly think so. However, Inc has a certain way of going about their business and we have no choice but to wait and see how we progress from here.

At the moment, a lot of users feel the development is a bit slow. I'm just trying to gauge what the community thinks on these matters. I'm happy to see some really small changes take place, but I really hope Inc does something about the trending as well as improving the algorithm to combat abuse.

Lemme know what you think in the comments below.

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UI gets back to same as it was before..

"At the moment, a lot of users feel the development is a bit slow".

A bit slow? Really damn slow LOL. For a company that has a market cap of hundreds of millions, its quite embarrassing.

Love Steem but I seen sites worth couple hundreds of dollars do fixes and updates in a few hours. smh smh.

A bit slow? Really damn slow LOL. For a company that has a market cap of hundreds of millions, its quite embarrassing.

I was trying to be nice...I guess.. :P But thanks for hitting the nail on its head!

We already had enough patience to be nice LOL ... let's get them to take some action. 😂😅

Yea and the fact that account opening still take much time is embarrassing introducing steemit to people..

Hi @firepower , Really liked your way of expressing, Kindly visit my page on Dtube and Steemit and provide your valuable feedback please. I will be greatly honored.

For a company that has a wallet with hundreds of millions, its quite embarrassing.

fixed for ya

Certainly I Add my voice to yours ... the inc ( just knew about that today) should do something about these matters

Your absolutely right @firepower. The features are still missing. A lot of developments need to be done. I feel in just two years a lot of developments have come up.. And it won't take long for the rectifications to be done in the system. The people need to join the platform irrespective of the challenges they are witnessing.. Knowing joining now is the best time since they will be early enough to grow with steemit. Joining in the near future might be hard. Some users are expecting charges to sign up in the future when steemit has fully grown.

It does look better, nice work all involved. Any changes even small ones in the right direction are always good.

@firepower Steemit is almost 2 years old now but is still in the beta stage! That itself shows how slow the development is. I understand that designing and maintaining something this big can be tedious and require a lot of rework as well. But being a developer myself I also know when the deadline's been stretched too far :D

As the community grows, there'll be more pressure to maintain the db, server etc which is understandable. But atleast the bugs in the UI can be taken up and resolved sooner is what I feel.

You're smart. I hope there is a new change. maybe it was their negligence. try to give them feedback

look like they are doing some more changes

see how the header looked like few mints ago

Thought I was the only one who noticed. Pretty sweet. Hope there'll be more improvements ☺

This is a new development from steemit I can see the new interface on my mobile phone, a tiny pen and magnifying glass, this is awesome.

yes that's a good idea,as a society I also rate slow the process of renewal but after hope And wait Today there has been a change that even some people do not realize it.

YOU get my upvote and i also resteem it...for pak india friendship @firepower

Like you said sir, it's a tiny details, but a welcomed one. Simple but classy. I like it. I really want them to do something to that wallet too.

Wow.. Very good...

Hello my friend! It's weird but I can't see any change from my side, maybe it's back to where it was!
As you mentioned, things are really very slow to happen on the platform, but I do think SMTs are the priority for the time being...well I think so!
But anyway we have a great tool to use despite the slow actions, can't complain too much on this side.

Wow Very good .Please upvote my posts so that I can be like you ... I am new in Steemit.

What kinds of changes will be coming with HF20, do you think? I'm so low-tech myself that a lot of things don't bother me much.. but even things just running a little bit quicker would be a huge thing lol.

I just joined steemit, I think your post is very good, I will follow you, because I need you to add insight about this media

You are in the right direction

It is still not fixed on the reward page as you can see below:
But I do like the fix for the wallet and the small changes in the UI.

Steemit should fork and build upon it :)

I noticed the slight changes and thought I was crazy since I didn't see anyone talking about them. Glad I finally caught your post lol!

In wallet everything is displaying as transferred (even for receive)

I'm sure it will get getting and better as they go

I am new here and have no idea about the changes and develpment yet but i am learning and enjoying the platform for now

I did notice the new minor change on the top area of the page - looks nice! More easy to navigate and grouped.
Step by step it's changing for the better.

Do you think we should hold our SBDs right now, instead of powering up? HF20 might bump up the value a lot right?
So maybe it's profitable to power up then?
I've been stashing 'em SBDs for some time now!

Well, for somebody big on aesthetics and generally positive.. I love this new navigation bar. The circles are appealing to me, and having the tabs centered now looks a lot more clean.

i can't wait when they will change this blue sign that means the Power up Rewards...

it's so simple - just put the new mint symbol there and the job is done! :D

Thanks for those news I don't know about it.also I am new in steem

Cool. I should say Steemit is a sleeping Giant and soon the pace will pickup

I strongly agree, if it happens hf20, really hope to get a remarkable change, and we wait when will beta version to be pure official launch steemit

I agree that development is quite slow. Onboarding a new member becomes difficult as they have a waiting period of about 2 weeks to get their account created in steemit. In that two weeks time, they easily forget what and all I said about steemit to them.

The UI of the website is definitely not very impressive and people who are persistent might stay but for a minnow, it is very difficult to understand and survive here.

One more issue raised 😳... Check wallet history -> Even if you receive bids from others it will show as Transfer...

I already following you.I appreciate your blog.Thank you

The bug is really annoying, especially when you love to see your wall paper :D

Anyways, I don't think it is urgent to fix it, because we have a lot to do and grow before small bugs becoming important, I loved the update, the site just looks much cleaner and more intuitive to use.

Yea i think they are updating some changes