[strategy analysis] How could steemit fail?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Napster failed the numbers game, like Leonidas in 300, Sean Parker thought superior strategy coupled with technology would out perform his competitors, we all know how that turned out--like Ephialtes leading Xerxes down the goat path, Parker's servers served him up. Now, what happened next is where the strategy for victory came in, like the Greeks, Zuckerberg figured out that you need numbers (along with superior tech and strategy)--Parker showed him the error of his ways and the connections to gain whole countries as ambassadors--and Zuckerberg listened.

Steemit needs to start paying translators, engage the Bitcoin community and stop alienating half the American population with whales pushing agendas (this last point sounds harsh, but that segment of the American population is well aware that their views are being marginalized--and a little venting does more to help, than hinder).

Why pay translators?

It's a quick means to expand into foreign soil that may be more inclined to spread steemit rather than hinder it--put yourself on a continent.

Why pay contrarian politics?

Because if this is to be a forum, that's the dialogue that needs to be engaged--if I have neither guarantee of a voice or a platform, then this is a media tool and will never be a forum for uncensored debate.

Why engage the Bitcoin community?

The same reason that the Athenians engaged the Spartans--they have shown the resilience and knowledge-base to be great allies in creating a more decentralized and democratic social network. Facebook has only fed the esurience of the mass surveillance state--with all the political turmoil in the Bitcoin community, it would be beneficial for everyone to set aside any differences in politics and stop a world dominating data-collection service.


I did not see 1 compelling argument for the failure of steemit in this article....

He is implicitly responding to my blog post.

Steemit never die

Hi, thanks for the post. I'm very interested in the Steem experiment and am seeking to host a Steemit Mastermind Strategy group to explore, understand, and ask better questions together.
The ultimate goal is to build a team of leaders who can join together to create a positive, profitable, and unstoppable force within Steemit and beyond in order to promote abundance for all humanity.

I want to wrap my head around this whole Steemit movement to better lead my decisions and actions moving forward. Right now, I'm just reaching out to a few people on Steemit that might like to mastermind and brainstorm together. My initial goal is to just get a few of us on a Google Hangout, begin discussing, share some thoughts and some laughs, and see where things go from there.

Let me know if you are interested in participating.

Please email me at [email protected] if you'd like to be involved.

Looking forward to it.