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RE: I'm Now a Dolphin, so What?

in #steemit6 years ago

@mikefriedman, maybe I am the driving force on Steemit for someone else, Jerry was mine and without him, it seems like empty. Being a fan or not is not what's important. This event showed that people can be bullied out from Steemit from people who use their SP to do that instead of supporting authors and encourage them to stay, it showed that the platform is not immune to censorship, and worse than Facebook in that regard, and it showed that you like me can be put out in a blink of an eye.


@gmichelbkk Jerry was a lot more than a content creator LOL he was a damn witness, don't you think he should be held to a higher standard? C'mon man... and for every high SP holder that flags you there's another whale that can upvote you and I think you saw that on Jerrys posts as well, he was also getting big upvotes on the flagged posts. Saying that steem is more censored than facebook is being a bit dramatic.

@mikefriedman, it's not dramatic until you are the victim... Being upvoted by whales is something I have not seen yet in a year on Steem and don't expect for it o happen.

So darn true ... Like if whales were having their own ocean to play with... and sometimes they come here to drop a downvote or two