Cassava ongol

in #steemit6 years ago

==> Cassava ongol <==

500 gr cassava (peeled, grated, squeezed)
75 gr sugar
150 ml of coconut milk (me kara small mixed with water)
1/2 bks agar2 plain
to taste Food coloring
Sprinkle: mix and steam
150 grams of coconut (peeled, elongated trench)
1/4 teaspoon salt

BADOCI Cookies, Bread & pastry.
Prepare a thin topping sheet with vegetable oil, heat the steamer cover the lid with a cloth.

Mix the coconut milk, sugar, and agar2 stir well, put the cassava stir well.

For some parts as you wish. each give a stir flat, I 2-3 drops alone, do not be tempted to add dye if cassava still looks pale because later on the result color is even jd horror. Let it pale later after d steamed usually its color is thick.

Put it into a baking sheet, I use the 20 * 10 dish of dough I put each 4 spoon vegetables

Medium steamed steaks tend to be small. Long steamed adjust thickly dough yes. How to know is cooked or before with the test puncture d the middle. Klo puncture easily penetrate to the bottom of the baking sheet means already ripe tp klo still fit d stuck steamed again okey ...

Raise the cold first just remove from the baking sheet. Cut into small pieces and mix with the ingredients sprinkled already steamed.
