
That is one stunning shot Randy!
I'm so hungry now.
I wish I could join you haha
Hopefully some people arrive and all goes well

Oh my goodness! Whatever that is, I want to start every day with two of them! Have a great weekend!

Wowwww, that is a way to wake up! Enjoy that cup of joe.

Looks good!

Have a good time...

ooh looks yummy indeed.. i love it.. may i ask for yummy recipe please?

¡Chucha! No sabía 🙁

wow that drink thou, i don't know if to drink it or scale it. hiking coffee boots at the ready!

let me know about the next one ;) :D

I am loving the round table chat you guys are having, very interesting conversation.

That really looks so yummy. Have a great time with other steemians! :)

That's cool. Good to see the steemit community extending wide.

Heck yes. What a treat. Do it again sooooonn m

Damiit! I JUST saw this. I totally would have come down. I was even at Multicentro yesterday morning! 😓 😓 😓


I'm almost near you i'm here in colombia nice photos nice coffee

Those looks delicious. How was your meet ups with people over there?

Mmmm, how delicious coffee looks!

Looks like a nice, locally owned coffee shop. Enjoy the meet-up.

Looks Great!

Looks like a bunch of cool people, I may have to attend the next one :)

Full power no shower. I follow.

Great ..!!!

What a shoot man, awesome !

What is that? Is that coffee or ice cream? lol

Hello does everyone want to know the grow of steemit here is the amazing figures from May
follow me and i will follow you

Looks you had loads of fun - still hope to meet you in Munich this year, let me know if it will happen @hilarski

I wish to be there! I gonna become a big part of steemit world! follow me^)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment