in #steemit7 years ago

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👍Thank You For Watching! Steemit Community Are Making Dreams Come True

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So much gratitude for our community, this is fantastic and I have to raise my hat to you for sharing this goodness with us all. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Appreciating all of you guys! I haven't seen even 1 negative comment so far .
amazing post!
This is ridiculous!!!HF 19 is the best thing that happened to steemians yet...
I'm screaming like a little girl!
I even made $80 on 1 comment recently!

I am happy with the HF 19 results.

Cheers to everyone.
Please follow me @Yehey
Thank you

I am following you

you can say it again @eric-boucher ...glad to be following you as i get good ideas from your posts...
it has never been this good...many are now emboldened to work already feeling steeming hot...
@team101 and @higomex thank for your support as we are truly a family here...

I made my first 2 maiden post guys can visit my blog and support with your experienced . comments...

This is so good to hear. Thanks for the fellowship and the kind words regarding the ideas from my blog.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

nemaste @eric-boucher

This fork is going to open up windows of opportunity for new content creators on this platform and it will probably accelerate growth tremendously on Steemit!

I definitely hear you! It has been a great upward roller coaster so far. I can't wait to see the results of this over time. It has been phenomenal so far. May the force be with you, thanks for the reply and namaste :)

your on point, is really a great news to our loving and caring community, where members success are paramount. This is a community where those are the top still care about the upcoming , your guys should keep it up, alreday following you and have upvoted.

happy hardforking! great time to be a steemian!

Agreed! The Steemit community is very exciting and inspiring! Privacy and freedom is the icing on the Steemit Cake! ;-)

Thank you Eric! Glad to be part of such an amazing community!

This is really good to see how steemit is helping its members. Thanks for sharing with us.

So whats the deal with HF 19, seems like more money is given out per vote? Is everyones voting power increased?

First 10 votes i believe have the most weight! afterwards it goes down.

No that's not exactly it.

The reward curve has been changed from exponential linear. In practice this means smaller users have gained hugely at the expense of whales.

The 10-votes is the optimum rate to maximize your vote output per day. Previously it was 40, now it is 10. You can vote 10 times a day, spread out throughout the day, to maximize how much you give in rewards.

This is a welcome change. I think further tweaking to the reward algo is required but this is a step in the right direction!

You know what's beautiful about Steemit?

Just like Christmas, it feels better to GIVE than it does to RECEIVE :)

yes ooo is good to give with joy knowing that reward will come one day.

Yes, only the reward is instant...but it keeps on giving over time :)

Also much like a good STD "Gift that keeps on giving".

Yes, much better

Brother you have no idea, about the Truth in that statement. I believe wholeheartedly in what you just spoke. Giving back, your time, comments, up votes, opinions, rebuttals, etc... Is worth much more than anything else.

Yes, I'd go as far as saying that it might just be the meaning of life (to give; to love; and I feel I need to add: "to let be free").

That said, there's a real power to being on the receiving end (of gifts), too, which we got a glimpse of in your video. It was so powerful for me to see you start to tear up towards the end. I started to get pictures in my head of you and your family sharing in the rewards and everyone being happy together and this made me feel happy for you. It's at times like that that I wish I could offer more than what I have to give.

So long as it comes from the right place, giving is the real treasure in life.

your right bro, is really good to give than to receive, they said that blessed are the hands that give than the one that receive. already following and have upvoted

I love seeing me have steem upvote power now

Thank you for the support brother!

How much do you get 4 1 like bruh?

Great video!

Thanks brother!

Nice humble video good luck with your content not that you need it judging by today's video being worth over $1,400 already that's insane you deserve it bud.

"For the kids" sends chills down my back... Go Orioles!

Thank you so much!

I agree. First time viewer and instant follow, his humble approach to this, inspire others. I'll keep watching.

woot woot manny machado

Is it really that easy to make money in. Unbelievible well done mate👍

this is the best possible outcome I think we could have hoped for with everyone but the top few posts making more ^_^ it's funny to think so many people were shoutig in terror at what bad things the new reward style could cause but so far it has been extremely beneficial to the platform overall and I have a feeling people outside steemit are starting to hear about it too :D

Just the tip of the iceberg I'd say, still a simple platform and seeing exponential growth


Right on alphacore! "You should always be open to trying new things. I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere. Like meth. That seems like a good place for a line. Don't try meth. But other, more reasonable things, should be tried. Like eating chicken feet at yum cha. Or paragliding when you're at an exotic mountain location. Or karaoke, if what you've never done before is karaoke. The reason for this: you never really know until you try. Ergo, you shouldn't be afraid to try new things, when new things are presented to you." Kat George

Indeed, i'm just glad to have great people like yourself that make up the majority of this platform. We all win when we come together and support each other.

Grateful to have discovered you @iamenglishtv, I also came to Steemit via @Craig-Grant and am extremely grateful for that. Nice job on the post!

No problem, thanks making it here of all places, lets work hard!

I think we are all pretty happy with the way things turned out, it will be interesting to see how things look in a week or so.

This fork will open up opportunities for more content creators and accelerate growth on Steemit!

72 hrs rule...

Oh ya most definitely!

Very humble guy! hats off to you...

Yemmy, glad to have you around! Thank you for the support!

Very, very grateful my friend! We are so grateful to be living in a time like this. Cryptos are changing peoples lives daily:)

Now that rewards for minnows are greater Steemit will grow even faster with new signups and the price of Steem will do a moonshot.

I can definitely see that happening.

More power to us minnows or is it just a ruse to capture our dollars?

yes i got my first small payments the day after and was happy to see it. Hey are you grateful enough ti give me some steem power?? haha

After I reach my goal, ill start sharing those too. Until then ill give the most vote power i have 100%

wow thats true steem power, like a steem god
hey thanks for just taking the time to reply

I love how you say "You are lucky you got in" I just started and I feel that way. I really like how positive you are.

I try to be positive during every situation. Its not easy but its something that must be practiced to combat negativity.

One can really appreciate a huge amount of gratitude and humbleness in your voice. And humbleness and gratitude go a long way. :)

I just want to enjoy life doing what I do best surrounded with the best people in the world! Thank you Ardas!

I'm loving me some STEEMit . :)

Its amazing isn't it? Best overall token in my opinion.

Very Amazing. There's so many coins/projects out there, many of which don't make much sense to the average person, but anyone can understand STEEMIT.. Be a part of a growing community, and get paid to do it as well. I think STEEMIT is the perfect synthesis of crypto and online communications/media.

I'm glad to see this change also. So happy to see our votes count for something. Steem on! @ironshield

Indeed brother!

Nothing quite like a grateful person. It's contagious.

I went through some depression for about year back in 08/09. One of most important lessons I learned was how easy is it to let your mind fill up with negative thoughts until you loose perspective, you become a negative person and you stop being grateful for what God has given us. There is always something to be grateful for. There is always someone who is less fortunate than us. There is always someone who is worse off than us. Gratefulness is what pulled me through along with filling my mind with positive thoughts, love from my family and lots of prayers. Before I knew it I had hope again.

Keep up the great outlook on life and continue to pass it on. So many people need someone to help pick them up.

You know, I will put out a video talking about this, because depression is something that affects me. I want to address it and talk about the things I have done and continue to do on a daily basis to stay in the "Green". Thank you for your post!

i love the info and hank you for posting it

No problem glad you enjoy the content and thank you for the support!

Awesome video. Doing this full time is the goal for me too. You're progressing more. Life is a team sport. Keep on steemin' bro.

we also upvote your all of your posts

Thank you for all of your support brother!

indeed.....great news....

Appreciate it!


yes! i feel exactly the same way !! <3

This is amazing. I have been only the platform for about two weeks and now I have actual curation and upvote power that will reward people crypto value. I've got so many ideas running through my head now too just because I have been motivated to contribute more and more to SteemIt and this community.

Great moto! When you involve yourself with the community you have better results. Its all about rewarding each other for our hard work. Thanks for supporting!

Thank you for a heartfelt and touching video. I feel the same way even though I have been a member for just a while. I too believe this platform is a game changer. Anyway, just wanted to come show my support and hope you like my content too. As you said, original content is the key. cheers :)

You bet, thank you for your support and ill check you out as well.


nice man, i know how you feel. it's a great platform. i see you do tech stuff, awesome, i love doing tech stuff too. i followed you. have a great day!

Thank you, yes I love tech!

I'm new here, and I'm so excited!! I'm learning . upvoted and following

Bro you are an inspiration. I'm a minnow and hope to be on my way to 300 followers. Keep up the success!

I can't believe we cracked 300 already, its a great milestone and im proud to have everyone that contributed to the success of my channel with me every day. Your nothing without the people who choose to support you.

@iamenglishtv What an improvement!!! Omg! Rewards tripple! Sh*t is getting seriouuuus!!!

lol indeed!

I'm with you bro!! Steem to the MOON!!
You topped the $1400 with this post!! Steem on!!

I don't know how that happened but I'm grateful and humble to receive so much support! Thank you!

will it be for ever ? because I think now is like yesterday again

Yes hard forks are forever soft works are changeable and temporary as far as i know

thanks for the answer ☺

hahaha, i believe evolution is always a good thing. Changes are needed here and there but evolving is necessary and that is what happened today. Some people see it as a negative while others see it as a positive.

Dank für das Hammer video - richtig cool gemacht :)

Awesome video man! I am definitely following you. Keep it up! It is always great to hear genuine voices who are passionate about what they do!

Thanks Chief

Very good video , support for all steemit users!

Yes indeed!

I believe in Steemit!

Its amazing! Just need to dedicate yourself and believe in your own content! Help the community grow and you will in turn benefit from the community.

Yes I love the fork too. Thanks for the video!

No problem thank you for the support!

long life hardfork19.. can I ask a dumbass question though.. how do 16 votes make $1,195.54 ? If that was split evenly (which it can't be, every vote would be worth $74.72) that seems epic. Is God in on this upvote ?

I certainly hope GOD is looking out for my best interest and everyone who I cross paths with. I don't know how the voting power works really, I just concentrate on my content and share it with you all.

I'm not sure If (there actually is such a thing) it would work in such an individual way.. just a figure of speech, but I wish you good luck anyway.. I think when someone believes in you, it makes you that little bit stronger :)

Pucationally, thank you!

Thanks for sharing, great job

Thank you for the support ynonne!


The opportunities are endless!

Indeed it is.

Great video, Steemit is a brilliant website :)

I love the platform! Thank you brother!

Amazing Man

I can't be amazing with out support like yourself. I appreciate it!

True opportunity for world full of people. Thanks to Steemit.
Thank you so much for pointing an insight view. Upvoted!

It was a feeling that I needed to share today. Like when something so amazing happens to you and you feel you need to share it with the world.

Thanks for posting this video, watch it on Reddit it was a great watch. 👍🏽

whoa, this made it to Reddit? Im flattered lol. Glad your supporting me brother!

Going to a be a lot more changes to come and think you truly captured the essence of it @iamenglishtv, if steem becomes the next facebook or reddit more updates will be needed but long term the whole community should benefit, I'm late to the party but just happy to be here

No brother, thank you for the amazing support! Taking the time to acknowledge someone else is something we all need to do more of, especially in our space and we have more and more people adopting that mindset. I love it.

You always speculate well bro. I have a strong believe that steem value will keep on growing so long as the steemit community is up running . I feel great over couple of weeks i found myself here. Love your vid.

Thank you emex! This is a wonderful platform and i'm also glad to be a part of it.

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