This made my mission easier ( + GIVEAWAY)

in #steemit7 years ago


I meet my friend, we handshake, exchanged a couple of words. Usuall stuff like “how are you”, “how is your family” etc… . I am so exciting about Steemit, especially when I reedemed some of my rewards. And, how should I start conversation about Steemit? If I go straight to the point it will seem like I am just paid well to do it, not because I really like it.

Now, they start conversation about Steemit all by themselfs… 😚


I love her.

Guys, I made over one hundred followers, couple of days agoo. And, I wanted to thank you for your attention. I made some bucks(don’t worry they will remain in steem power safely 🙂 ) met some wonderful people (especially in discord groups I will link down bellow), learned more about crypto world, and learned more about writing and english. Sooo… I got nice benefits of using Steemit. Thank you, Thank you...


I’ll always try to prove my gratitude to the our Steemit Nation. And this is my small gift to you guys, my lovely readers.


Ahaaa, I have more of them. Right now it’s just two. One beautie is just for myself 😈. And, the second one is for you. But I have three condition, each for every “groups” in Steemit:

  • If you are a newbie – Be positive, have consistency, write about themes you love. DON’T GIVE UP! And, of course be happy and promote Steemit.
  • If you are richy Steemian – Thank you for being an example for me and others. I would be very happy to see post about how this beautie helped you in promoting Steemit. 😉
  • If you are not Steemit user – you won’t get this beautie, you didn’t deserve her 😈 , hehe. JOIN US, What are you waiting for?

Maybe, this will disapoint you. But, since I am from Serbia. Firstly, my mission is to promote it here, in Serbia. Sooo, I want to give this gift to Serbian user. But, don’t worry, I am a little bit scared that no one will answer this call.


IF YOU ARE FROM SERBIA: Just comment down bellow, and you will be randomly choosen.

IF YOU ARE NOT FROM SERBIA: If no one from Serbia answers (and, I am scared that this will be the case, since no one commented on my posts before), just comment and you will be randomly choosen.

Thank you for being here

Have a great day! :)

And of course dont forget to join us.


Join Steemit SlavChat @


Join Steemit Peace, Abundance, Liberty @


This is awesome! Way to represent.

Thank you :)

It seems like you are going to give this to me... :)

You are out of the game my buddy :P

This post received a 1.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ikadika! For more information, click here!

This post has received a 1.21 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ikadika.

I loved the part if you're a newbee never give up

Thank you :)

Upvoted. I want that case! :)

Thank you very much! :) Lets wait couple of days more, maybe there will be more comments :)

@ikadika got you a $5.46 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@ikadika got you a $5.46 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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