And... Reputation 58 and approaching 1200 followers!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Guys. 58 and 1200. Amazing.

I put in a whack ton of time on Steemit in June when I was living with a family out of Canada working on some serious health issues. Seriously: WHACK TON.

And then when I came back to regular life, I found it really hard to keep up. I tried for a good month after, in spite of a friend visiting from Europe, attendance at a poetry conference in Colorado, and even a broken laptop. But eventually.. life just got to be too much. I posted once in a while, but more or less dropped off.

(Me doing life between all of the crazy)




Largely due to @artedellavita and @brentssanders, a couple of my very first friends here who were persistent in getting me back here, I stayed connected to Steemit and my friends here (feeling missed is very important! It's so easy to think it won't matter if you walk away, but there are so many people I would miss from here if they did that!). As a result, I eventually found my way back to posting regularly again--juuuuust before the crypto world exploded!

I've been back in full swing for about 7 weeks now, and it's been so wonderful, in every way. Of course, with the exchange rate high, it's been a really helpful and encouraging time for me as an artist; I really needed some funds and had no clue how I was going to make things work this next stretch, so that's felt like pure blessing.

But the people here are what make coming back and posting so easy, and so enjoyable. Trust me, if it were just about money, I wouldn't be able to do it. If money were what mattered to me, there is no way I would still be trying to fight my way as an artist--I would have jumped ship a long time ago to try something more sensible.

The people really matter to me.

I want to be here.

I love your comments, and your quirky posts, and your fun and ridiculous and intelligent and strange and loveable personalities. I really mean that.

I think Steemit provides a real sense of belonging--so counter to other social media platforms. Perhaps most of us would find it hard to connect in real life with all of our shields and walls and expectations up, but here something special happens. We just share ourselves, and encourage each other. And it's magic.

Seeing the followers growing every day has me humbled and excited, and hitting that next reputation number so quickly is a wonderful feeling. But more importantly, in response I am feeling a real responsibility to stay connected to you all here through thick and thin, as best as I possibly can. Your support does not go unnoticed, and I'm so happy to have you all to share my work with.

I'm sure there will be more seasons where I can't be here quite as much, but I really do intend to keep providing you with my best work as much as possible, and even hope to up my game in the coming months with some fun extras (articles, and better quality sound/video!). It's a really exciting time of growth in my music and writing life, and I'm so happy to have you all along with me for the ride.

Sincere love to you all, and thank you for all the ways you've shared yourself with me in these last few months!


P.S. If you didn't catch my cover for this week's Open Mic, I'd love for you to listen here.

Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for following @kayclarity and resteeming if you enjoy posts about beauty, art, culture, life, Steemit, and, of course, my original music and poems. xx


Awww friend! Of course I want you on here posting all the time! Your talent needs to be shared with out community! 🎀such a joy to listen to your music!

Seriously. I needed the push. I wanted to, but it can be so hard when you've been away from something to really get back into it. Thanks for your constant support and love!

I was gone for two weeks not too long ago and it felt like a lifetime! But I will be here keeping you on the straight and narrow haha

Steemit is a wonderful community made up good people. Keep enjoying steemit @kayclarity

It really is. I've loved my time here enormously.

Congrats! You post nice things and you do some great work here! Keep posting. :)

Thank you! :)

Little by little the magic reveals itself..

It's true. It's cool from the start, but just gets better if you're plugging in in the right way ;) xx, Kay

You and @artedellavita are a few of the reasons that keep me coming back. Also all the open mic posts from you and others, love me some music!! - The poems, pitures etc. Keep them coming and you will have no where else but up to go!!

That's awesome! I do hope to be adding value with the quality of my posts--always the goal! Thanks for your support, friend :). Your excitement is contagious!

I'm glad my encouragement meant something to you! Steemit is definitely a richer platform due to your presence and contributions here. Congrats on your recent achievements. I look forward to seeing much, much more quality content from you!

You bet! That's so good to hear; that is certainly the aim. I really do want to contribute here and help it get to where it can go. Thanks always for the kind words and support!

My pleasure.

conrat..i like this nature...
thanks for blogig..

:). Thank you!