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RE: Should bid bot votes be stripped out of the contribution towards reputational score?

in #steemit6 years ago

It is disheartening when you take time and energy to actually say something of value in a post and it is rarely read/noticed and poorly upvoted. It is equally frustrating to see some posts that earn a God smack of up votes that aren't even interesting.


For the first 12 months on here reputation meant something. After that is was the low quality road to ruin! I wonder when the fires of Rome shall start??

I think part of the issue is currency is driving the involvement and participation of members. It seems very few or at least the minority are focused on building community and quality. Ironically, I think the majority of users view this as a platform to make money and that's an inherent and fundamental problem in the system that cryptocurrency is trying to topple. It's reinventing and reascribing the wheel with all its problems. If there is to be something new and different you need to embrace values that actually are new and different.

It's reinventing and reascribing the wheel with all its problems. If there is to be something new and different you need to embrace values that actually are new and different.

Decentralized or centralized system, greed can transcend both if the morals are not in place. Just look at the number of 'dead accounts' on Steemit - headstones of the greed motive itself.

What if reputation was also earned from helping other members and being involved in promoting other's posts through comments resteeming etc. on steemit? It just seems to me you should reward behaviour you want to encourage.

Honestly this is how I have conducted myself on here. The problem is that it’s hard to find good content. I’m happy to upvote and resteem things l like, but it’s hard to find the great content that I care about because it’s buried in lots of nonsense.

Agreed. It is like finding a needle in the haystack and often feels overwhelming.

I spend quite a bit of time looking and don’t find as much “quality” stuff as I’d like.

That ethical algorithm is coming along nicely :) ....