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RE: sdfvbeg

in #steemit6 years ago

Thanks for the great post @lukebrn.

It is a great post for beginners, I think we should appreciate quality contents by upvoting because as you said we are not losing any steem but still get curation rewards. Yeah, I know that 75% tokens are created for the bloggers and curators.

By the way, I appreciate for your projects, No worries slow and steady wins the race.


Thank you for the great comment. I completely agree, and personally I think it's best to support quality beginners: a lot of big players on the platform seem to mainly only upvote each other, when their vote could really be used to help so many beginners.

Thanks again!

Yeah, exactly, I do believe that the big players helping each others, that's why, they can't reach to beginner steemians. Some of the beginners use bid bots for the visibility of their posts, but I hope as we move on by writing more quality articles, We will get attention of them.