My First Year On Steemit - 2000 followers

in #steemit6 years ago

Last year in March I registered my Steemit account after almost a month of preparation and hesitations.
Of course, in the beginning, I knew nothing about how Steemit works, but over time I watched what others do and I learned, one bit at the time.


During my first year on Steemit, I faced different moments, some were full of joy and happiness, some disappointing, but I realized that all of it makes one wonderful journey called Steemit.

thanks a.jpg

I am an amateur photographer and I enjoy my hobby very much, so I decided to share with you my excitement, every day...


Often times I saw Steemit posts where people criticize or give recommendations, thinking that the only right and valuable way of doing things is their way.

Dear friends, Steemit is an awesome place to express your passion, (and even get paid to do so), just follow your passion, there is no need to compare yourself with other people. Each of us has his own path in his life and on Steemit, and to all of you, I wish you have a great success in your Steemit adventures.


I want to give a special thank you to all my friends for their unconditional love and support that I continuously receive from them, some of them from the very beginning. Being able to use Steemit and to have all of you my friends makes me a very, very happy!
Thank you for your love and support!



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Wow for amateur your pictures are awesome like pro . I myself is also new to steem and photography thingy . But I agree , just follow your passion and let others droll into your artwork . 😊😊😊

So, just Steem on! Thank you

Congratulations @pepe.maya.
Thank you for sharing with us your emotions every day ...
I love your photos very much and I hope you will have a lot of success.

Thank you very much for your beautiful comment and best wishes :)

Thanks for sharing. This is motivating me quite a bit, since I am very very new to Steemit and have no idea what I am doing


We all passed it, it's hard in the beginning, but it's wonderful after a while... Thank you

congratulations,dear !

Thank you so much, my dear! :)

Congrats on getting 2000 followers! That is so awesome! You photos are amazing, that raindrop one is so incredible, like it could be in the National Geographic magazine. :)

elegant colors, beautiful and colorful photos, plus the presence of beautiful girls. thank you for sharing @pepe.maya, @jhoni is your votes

Thank you very much!

Congrats on yet another milestone with the followers! I hope I can make it there one day!

Wow ! extraordinary photography

O yes, you will! Be active and Steem on! Thank you

You are welcome my friend, I have a new post, do not forget to visit ya, let me add the spirit in steemit.

Congratulations! And happy anniversary!

Thank you very much! :)

I really like the photos of your work,
you are very beautiful.

Thank you for your compliment! :)

You've made a long way, and results are really impressive! Congrats :)

Thank you :) Cheers!

congratulation dear !

Thank you!

Congratulations on a year on Steemit, and reaching your milestone of 2000 followers! I've seen quite a few of your posts along the way, and you always have beautiful photography. Here's wishing for you another great year on Steemit!

Thank you so much for your beautiful compliment and best wishes :)

We are excited to see you join us here! Steemit is a remarkable platform that is built to reward users for creating quality content. Its a logic called proof of brain.

As for TechChat, think of us as DJs that create tech content instead of music. We create content by looking for the most shocking, interesting, and exciting breakthroughs in the tech space. Basically - we do all the research so you dont have to.

We hope to hear your opinion on TechChat’s content! We always love to hear from our community.

Happy Steeming 🚀

Congratulations💖@pepe.maya,so far so good you've been doing well and shall continue to do so. Without doubt, the journey hasn't been so rossy, it'd been full of challenges and triumphs. I admire your post so much, your manner of presentation is simply for all to admire without leaving out your advice. You called yourself an amateur photographer but I saw professionalism in those works. You've said it all and so sure that many ll heed to all said. We all have to understand here that no one would walk our walk with us all here in steemit, we have to walk it all alone without jealousy or discouragement. I wish you great successes too. Stay blessed and many thanks for the motivation.💖💞

Thank you very much. Steemit gives great opportunities to all blogging fans and this is a huge opportunity in the blockchain world. I'm glad I motivated you... Steem on!

Congratulation on your steemit anniversary. Its so joyful to see the photographs that you have shared. Keep them coming

Thank you very much! Cheers!

Your appreciation to us is highly welcome my dear.we will keep on tapping wisdom from you.i personally, the amount of what i have learnt just by reading your post ,only God can quantify it.Truly ,your journey so far with us in steemit has a great things to write home about.i hope , we will contunue with our strong intimacy, partnership and relationship you have built with us.happy one year anniversiry.more grace and long live in your path in jesus name.

Thank you very much! God does not qualify, God only unconditionally loves all of us! Cheers!

What a wonderful journey so far! Congratulations on your achievements, @pepe.maya, and hope for more years of steeming with style! :)

Thank you my dear friend @oleg326756
I'm waiting for your "celebration" :))

Just give me a couple of weeks and I’ll try to catch up! ;)

welcome to the steemers family

Congratulations, what an amazing milestone! :)

Thank you dear Nikolina :)

Bravo, cestitke

Hvala ti! :)

My Congratulations @pepe.maya you are one Steemit year old and 2000 follower, that is a hard job and it is really job because it needs real daily input of your thoughts and ideas that people around you will either value or ignore. I love your photographs, it is very nice to see you as person and to know who is on other side. You are beautiful woman and this is a truth. I also love your photographs, the drops on the leave is a great shot, you managed to get an angulation that reflects blue sky, you are an artist, when you do your photographs. I wish you many more successful photos and great supportive friends!

My dear friend @stef1 , you gave me a lot of nice compliments and I am very grateful to you! I'm so glad you like my photos, that's nice to hear. Thank you :)

Congratulations to you for reaching followers in 2000, I am sure you are more successful in this regard, thanks to your hard work in working on this colorful in platform, especially in the amazing field of photography. Once again congratulations to you my friend @pepe.maya, you are very beautiful😊

Thank you very much dear Lizana!

You are welcome my dear @pepe.maya😊

Cool... And next year go more big :) We all get here something :)

Thank you! You've got a point! :)

you are welcome.


Thank you!

Awesome I just made it to 200 followers after 3 weeks here. I can see you have to be consistent to keep growing your following.

Keep up the good work

Congrats to you, too! Stemm on!
Thank you

very beautiful dear friend

Thank you, my dear! :)

Congratulations. One year is a lot of time! And you deserve all the followers and even more! Always very beautiful photos.

Thank you, my friend! :)

You are faster than me in terms of account age. I joined in july 2016 and just a few days ago I reached 2000 followers. Congratulation to you and I am happy and sure that you will reach 10000 Soon with your beautiful passion.

It doesn't matter who is faster while we are here... Congrats to you, too!
Thank you :)

Congratulations! And happy anniversary!🤗

Thank you very much! :)

Regard from me @rezack

Thank you! Cheers!

Cheers,,,!! 🍻 :)

congratulations friends on the addition of followers. success always for the future ya friend. your posts are good and your photos look very beautiful too, and I like that

Thank you for your comment!

you are welcome, friend..

Congratulations @pepe.maya and thank you for sharing your insights and beautiful pictures. It's my first week here and I have a lot to learn. Posts like these give me inspiration. Thank you, C:)



Thank you! Steem on!

How i can get follower ? I think steemit has a very bad reach..:-|

Be active, be positive! Steem on!

congratulation @pepe.maya. and i pray for you that increas your follower day by day.

There is no need for prayers for me. Pray for yourself and be grateful every day!
Thank you

Hi my friend @pepe.maya! My greetings for you! Your photos inspire me always!

Thank you very much, dear Olga! Big hug :)

amazing ,, hopefully i can also catch up like you ,, i am a fan of your blog

Thank you! Glad you like my blog! Keep on, cheers!

2000 followers means many friends who like you, including me

I'm very proud user! Thank you

Congratulations, you make so big and hard work. All the for you👍😊

Thank you very much!

Congratulations my dear friend I am happy for you so much. 😉 Steemit is really great place even better because I have met you :-)

O my dear Margaret, you always get me with your beautiful words! Thank you so much :) Big kiss

Lovely Red Lips

Lovely Red Lips

It's wonderful to see that you make what you love and you share it with others and it makes the difference! I love photography too so it will be a nice way to share my passion with other people! Here you have a new follower! ;)

Thank you very much for your lovely comment! Cheers!

Congratulations! :D

Just keep doing what you love to do. Congratulations @pepe.maya!

Thank you very much! @armentor :))

congratulations! :)

Thank you

Sretan ti prvi roćkas, kolegice! 🔝📸❤️

Hvala ti, draga koleginice! :)))

Hi @pepe.maya, congratulations to those of you who have been working for a year at Steemit, glad I heard. while I am in July coming to be a Steemit user for a year.


Thank you! Why is my picture here @azirgraff ??

it's a screenshot of your post, I just want to say, the photo is beautiful 😊

Congrats on a new milestone! It's nice to see more of the women behind the camera.

Thank you very much! I agree with you :)))

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