
it's better if we focus on what we are doing. rather than thinking about something we don't master

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ah yes :) good tip!
i'll be focusing on my little project again real soon 👍

Good. Success always for you

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Steemit like ghost town now, I don't want to think too much if Steemit will go down with all the problems that occur ... but it seems I still believe that steemit community will still be there. It seems that I haven't found a more exciting platform from Steemit. I write on many platforms but nothing can make me survive to write every day other than steemit.

When you updated about your outdoor activities in this winter. I really interesting to see about your country in winter 😂😂

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yes daily activity has been on a constant decline. but those same people will be back once the prices are up so i don't even care. steem is exciting because for the first time you don't have to rely on ad agencies to be the middleman to monetize your content. steemit inc has been a barrier and a leader at the same time. they did some good but they're also being the central figure that only allows certain groups/individuals to gain. i believe the longer this bear market continues, it'll be a bigger chance for the community to step up and make some important changes. we'll wait and see.

on winter photos, i like your idea. i'll go outside maybe later when i have some free time 😁

that's sounds inspiring and enthusing:

those same people will be back once the prices are up

however I'm wondering - how one can be so sure that prices will be up?
what such optimism and assurance is based on?

I mean, seriously - I would like to hear your opinion about what and how would drive the STEEM price up? :)
since it looks like you have some information about it, talking so surely.

it'll be a bigger chance for the community to step up and make some important changes

that's another interesting subject I'd like to get more details on: how the Community (although too blurred term) would help to improve the state of affairs? since it is a centralized platform (basically a Corporation) with quite defined "business model" (aka "Ecosystem") - which Community has no any control of or influence on.

Steem is not 100% centralized but is way more than it should be because of neds giant stake and incompetence.

Yes 'community' is a vague term. Its my mistake of generalization, but it doesnt change the fact we have individuals and witnesses who are discussing possible solutions for running the api on their own.

Alternatives like @esteemapp are there even if goes down. I think theyre running a full node im not sure. it aint perfect and i have no idea what theyll do if steemit inc disappears. but when i refer to 'community' i refer to these dapps and developers and users that can self sustain. And theres others out there too of course.

The steem blockchain does not reside on a single website like steemit. Nor does it rely on a single company to survive. Steemit is nothing more than an interface to give you a little more convenience. It just happens to be the most popular one. (how most of this community is relying on their infrastructure is a huge red flag, but if you read the comments its being addressed by many developers who clearly seem more qualified than ned)

The distributed nodes were designed to withstand censorship and control even from governments (unfortunately ned himself has been the tyranny but this might be the opportunity to change that)

If steem can achieve censorship-resistance and start distributing rewards in a fair/reasonably predictable manner, the current price is massively undervalued.

that still doesn't answer the question of how it all can influence the price of STEEM coin :)
because mainly it is dependent on peoples' trading it on Exchanges - not on the Apps and nodes :)
price increases when Demand is higher than Supply - that's trivial basics.
and not just a any demand, but an actual steady one - factual purchasing it more and more on Exchanges.
so far though it looks like STEEM is more like being dumped on those exchanges. that's usually is an obvious reason of why some crypto price drops.
(yesterday I've further elaborated on this matter here)

Demand for freedom and security which come from distributed nodes. In steem's case you have a little more utility built in.

'Apps and nodes' is a counterexample against your statement saying the community can do nothing.

Not too long ago steem was $4 at a korean exchange. I guess you can ask about your demand there? :)

Its easy to say it's 0 in a bear market, which is no different from saying that a bullrun will continue forever.

Contact me on discord if youd like roundbeargames#8739

Now I'm hungry. Hungry for change!

perfectly said! :)
for the first i feel like a longer bear market might even be beneficial for this community. ned is never gonna step down on his own will.

I haven't heard about the lay offs. For the first time in my life, though, hearing that the main company behind a project I like isn't making me nervous. I stand with your opinions that there are people here who can push this platform along even if Steemit Inc. were to fold under.

Enjoy your meal, and have a good upcoming weekend :)

thanks! and yes it's why we love decentralization :) steemit is NOT steem. nor are they qualified leaders.

i guess we'll continue to talk about it and see where this community goes. enjoy your thursday!

Stick it to the man! HODL is the point and thou shalt prosper!

On the side note, that pork knuckle literally strikes me in my stomach. Suddenly heard thunderstorm growling from my tummy 🤤🤤🤤

Posted using Partiko Android

it's one of my favorites! unfortunately i didn't alcohol to go along with it this time. i need to eat a little more healthy.. 😃

we hodl and wait. steem on.

역시간식은키보드앞에서먹는거죠! ㅋ

ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 간식이 아니라 식사에요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Happy Friday! Hope everything is well with you
내일이면 벌써 12월이네용~~~ 추운데 감기 조심하시구요 =)

넹 이미 감기 걸리고 나았습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I agree, we better focus on our own work. happy Thursday

yes. there isn't much i can do. but i also know that there's a lot of capable people in this community.
steem on :)

I also feel anxiety because the price of SBD / Steem keeps falling. I hope that by the beginning of 2019 the SBD / Steem price will return to high.

A dish that looks delicious, enjoy it @roundbeargames 👍

nobody knows how long this will last (personally i think it'll go on for some time)
but we know that markets change all the time, so no need to worry.
i just wish the current situation triggers the community to take action and help decentralize steem a little more.

if I see Steem actually sad, but I have to just see it, stay focused on writing ...

the food looks good😋

Happy thursday😄

well we just gotta keep sharing and steem on 😃
markets change all the time anyways!


it concerned me a bit especially when i heard the 70% percentage. That's quite the number. Almost all of the team is out, i just hope 1)that till they leave they had a great time and gained both good money/crypto and knowledge 2) this work out for the best

yes it's a little alarming but i think this community has been relying on one man for way too long. i actually think this is going to be a good opportunity for someone else to step up and make some important changes :)

Refesh and enjoy.

yup gotta take a few breaks :)

not many eat meat your cholesterol go up, many drink water let the kidneys stay healthy, hope the project ready fast, can not wait want to watch, the continuation, @roundbeargames,🕺☺️

thanks for the tip man.
i've been thinking i should eat a little more healthy 😆

I wish you all the best for your plans ...
and as always the food is delicious! :)))
have a good day my friend

thanks man you're very kind 😁
and i wish you well for whatever you do as well!

thank you too!!! :)))))))))

Think i need join you on this eating cruise ahahha. How are you my dear friend @roundbeargames

i'm doing good. thanks for asking :)
you should share some of your food too.

Success with your the next plan @roundbeaegames.
The chilis are look very hot....

successes to you too!
it was nothing compared to the spicy chicken i had last week 😆

Most of Korean noodle also spicy, then I love them. Especially sour vegetables tasted. Yummyy😅

Yes :) but i dont like anything too spicy. Just little bit would do 😂

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늘 항상 응원해주셔

행복한 목욜 보내셔용~^^

Posted using Partiko Android

ㅋㅋㅋ 넹 즐목되세요~

a very awesome work my brother,amazing your post @roundbeargames

thanks brother

짱짱맨 출석부 함께 응원합니다~♩♬
행복한 목욜 보내셔용~^^

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Amigo @roundbeargames eso es cierto en STEEMIT como dices hay mucho talento el cual no es aprovechado como se deberia y aunque despidan a esa gran cantidad de trabajadores se que STEEMIT no caerá y espero que la concentración y las ganas vuelvan pronto y termines el juego y tus proyectos. Disfruta de tu comida y feliz Jueves

yes i dont think steem will go away easily. but i also think it can only reach its potential if ned had a little more humility and self-awareness to step back and let it take life of its own.

Hopefully you can concentrate all things carefully. I hope you will succeed in everything.

thanks man. i've started working on my project again.
i wish you successes too 👍

Im not sure how things will be played out in the future by the lay-off. But I'm certainly not happy about the price raising these 2 days haha.

lol yea we'll wait and see. i think the next few months would be quite interesting to see what steemit inc will do. i hope they dont fuck up anymore than they already have.

@roundbeargames demasiada deliciosa esa comida,creo no te lo comas todo jajaja,eres un ser maravilloso con muchas cualidades que admirarte,te deseo pases un dia tranquilo y relajado,saludos

i ate it all! i've been eating too much these days 😆
i hope you enjoy your day too!

Buenos días mi amigo @roundbeargames , es triste el despido de tantas personas. Buen plato de comida amigo son deliciosas la patas de cerdos , mi mamá me las guisa y no las comemos con arroz y yo le hecho unas gotas de limón y son muy divinas amigo , tengo años que no las como por lo costosas que se pusieron las cosas en mi país . Deseo que hayas disfrutado ese delicioso plato de comida amigo

yes it's sad that people had to lose their jobs. i hope ned learns a lot from this.
anyways the pork is very nice. in this case i dont have it with rice because the meat alone is already too much 😁

but anyways i hope you get to be with your family soon. sincerely.

짱짱맨 출석부 후원으로 왔습니다.

I understand your issue. Hope you rest, after refreshing you will be able to look after your work. Good Night friend ♥

well i never talked about my issues but thanks 😆
good night friend

my eyes are very focused on the food drawn, I think it is very delicious, want to eat it heartily,

thanks it was very nice :)

regarding the STEEM price

On a side note, I see people worrying about the current price ...

well, that's perhaps because most of people here are mostly for the purpose of Earning and / or get their ROI. :)
(rather than simply socializing - which they can do in plenty of other places of social networks)

I might be concerned about the initial void and confusion if goes down, but this community includes a lot of underutilized talent that can tackle the issues immediately

IMO "Community" is quite a vague term: actually it is not "homogenic" but rather consists of the several "sub-communities", each having various motives, interests, level of understanding (about the Steemit, STEEM and their own place in it). a lot of people are HYIP-minded actually. many are "freebies-minded". some are "techy-nerdy" / idealistic (thinking that coding, programming and maths can define and solve any and all problems). many are just "chearleaders". :D

yes, there are some talents for sure - however they can hardly do anything. because first of all the SYSTEM is made that way! (like long-term HYIP or "Junk Coprorate Bonds")

Yes. Many many small communities. One community is a massive generalization. Good point 👍

No. 'Hardly anything' is just wrong. People are already talking about taking over the api. Theres also a possibility of 'sunsetting' which means more things will be community driven.

No. Earnings and roi is what drives decentralization, the entire market actually.. You say it like its a bad thing. That i dont understand.

Nice, awesome artical... Good... Information...... Thanks

i'm sorry but i have to consider you a bot because there's too many spammers coming from your region. unless you upload your face consistently i have no choice.

Delicious food my friend.. i wish your all personal things solve smoothly.. And again get back to your project... Yes you are right my friend steem price is very low and waiting for go up again...

thanks man. i hope things get smoothed out eventually. i'm already back to my project. prices change all the time so we'll wait and see :)

the current prices are good for acquiring more steem, but yes the activity in general has dropped lately. waiting for next bull!

haha i was actually waiting for the price to drop even further then i might buy some to become a whale 😆
seems like we're gonna be stuck at $0.3 for now. we'll see.

Haha, I cannot bear the pain of it going any lower - but you've got a valid point! :D If only one could predict the future and know where the bottom is...

personally i think we need to hit $0.002. it's crazy but at that point we can really start decentralizing steem 😆
i know for certain if steem can reach even half of its potential it's worth way more than any of its previous prices.

wonder why dan isnt fixing what he has instead of starting new projects?

Hes gone (from steem). Try googling about his feud with ned. Ned embraces centralization and wants control. Dan obviously is nearly an anarchist for 'life liberty and freedom.'

Im not a fan of either of them but dan had a much clearer vision towards decentralization. But i guess he didnt have the resources and power while being at steemit inc. You cant fix anything if the dictator doesnt want you to 😕

Dont know much about ned, but im sure that's true. Apparently dan is moving on from eos now, too. Heard he is working on yet another project.

i think he said on twitter he's not leaving but who knows :)

espero que hayas disfrutado de tus patas de cerdos, por cierto se ven deliciosas

they're very delicious. at least to me :)
they're one of my favorites!
enjoy your monday now @betaniaj!

todos debemos concentrarnos en lo que hacemos, el cerdo se ve muy provocativo je je

yes we can only focus on what we can control.
the pork was awesome by the way 😁

Rest and I hope you can solve the problems you have.

yes i hope so too :)
thanks 👍

It looks so nice! Muy sabroso.

it was very tasty :)
happy monday now

Continue your project, friend 👍

thanks i will :)
i just made a new video. happy monday!

Happy monday too. 😀

The dismissal of 70% of the steemit team I've read in the posts of steemit @ned founder. I also agree with you that we can only relax and see the development of steemit in the future. Have a nice day too 😊👍

steem really needs better leadership. it's the biggest barrier to mass adoption. we'll see. i can't control anything anyways 😐

Many thought that at the end of this year the market would be a great bull just like last year but it has kept going down and now we have to keep working and have a lot of patience

yes patience and keep hustling 😆
and we'll see what happens.

@roundbeargames, In my opinion it's really important to move into more Decentralised Phase and now we are moving out of the dependence and it's an good sign in my opinion. Hope and wish that you are enjoying your time and yes, we can face the dynamics but for sure if we hold the patience everything will be fine for sure.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

well ned only hinted to the idea of sunsetting the api but i dunno if he'll ever do it. judging from his words and actions he likes control. we'll see.
if the bear market continues it'll actually be a bigger test/opportunity for steem.

Yes, let's see how this story of the opportunity and growth will move forward. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Okay, this is quite an advanced topic. Maybe you can enlighten me. But I hope Steemit will not die.

Posted using Partiko Android

the steem blockchain can survive without steemit. steemit inc is an unqualified leader :)

I hope steemit will be fine amid very low prices ...

wow ... your food makes me hungry😋😄

yes steem will be fine. the prices themselves won't be the downfall ;)
but it's the leadership..
we'll see.

anyways the food was nice! 😆

I also hope that at the beginning of the year Steem will have a big change and I can enjoy it ...😊😁

yes it looks good ...😆

its not only a website .. its a community .. and many people related with this.. .. and i hope it will be going a suitable place and price .. is just a website :)
Community is built around steem not steemit. Steem can survive without steemit. Or should.

your game plan is so exciting, after refresh yourself you add more surprise for us in your game friend

thanks :)
refreshing is good. i'll continue on and see the end 👍