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RE: Let's Build A Shareable Steemit Post, That Answers Every Newbie Question And Dispel All Doubts About Steemit! (Ask Me Anything Steemit)

in #steemit7 years ago

Thank you Sir,

I would like to ask what this is about, it's in Discord though so I'm not sure if this is relevant to your post,

I tried to post my blog post in PAL and I saw a message like this

"pulls rye05 with a semi-weird 100% original content by papa-pepper"

I hope I'm not plagiarizing or anything
Thank you.


I will find out. I don't know how pal works but i think that may be a bot message and some bot developers use funny wording for their bots to keep them entertaining!

In my case, you have freedom. Submit links, ask anything. That is how i am!

My interpretation of that message - What you posted is original. :) the ' semi-weird 100%' is for entertainment as mentioned by Terry.

Thank you dude for the answer :-), if it's for entertainment, I don't need to worry about anything