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RE: Introducing the Steem Defender Bot. Designed to Protect Steem From Economic Collapse and Support Minnow Growth (Article)

in #steemit7 years ago

"For this example let’s assume the Hedge-Fund originally buys 100M Steem with 84M USD worth of Cryptocurrency."

If $84M came into the market, I doubt the price would remain at 84c


Quite the Astute observation @spotlight.

For simplicities sake, we did not further complicate this example with details such as the one you mentioned. There are in fact many additional variables that are not mentioned in this example.

We did the best we could to really simplify an otherwise overwhelmingly complicated process.

Does this make sense to you?

There are in fact many additional variables that are not mentioned in this example.

Would one of those variable be exempting who has to vote the way you want them too, or exempting yourself from your own voting influence scheme?

This system would absolutely need to be universal to be effective. With no exceptions of any kind. Thank you for the clarifying question @bashadow

Note how they complain about bots, yet use a bot to vote themselves up.

We realize that steemit-upvote bots pose a similar issue.

Yet it is okay for them to use them.

You're obviously trolling @bashadow.

No, I just disagree with your content. Trolling would be spreading falsehoods and lies. What is the trolling activity I have done? Commenting on your post, and commenting to other commenters? Is this the "trolling activity", I am doing?

It is what steemit is about, conversation, not condemnation of a person pointing out a hypocritical action. It is like Senator Dianne Feinstein being all for banning handguns for everyone, except Her body guards.

So I will just mark you and your organization as FSDH, and make no more meaningful comments on this post, since my comments seem to have hurt your feelings to the point of you calling me a Troll.

I would like to point out to you and everybody that commented even though I disagree with you and your stance on telling people who, what, and how often a person can vote for someone, I did not flag you, nor down vote you, as you and @unikey have downvoted me. Not once but several times. Yes you have the Best interest of all steemit user at heart.

You should ask @berniesanders, how I acted when he and his house of cards and 52 downvoters, downvoted me. I survived. I continued to grow.

We assumed you were trolling because you were saying the same thing multiple times. Also, the bit about us wanting to control everyones votes?

I mean, really? Were just offering a solution to a very complex problem for the purpose of creating a conversation about how we can make steem better. We don't want to control peoples votes.

Were not even suggesting that anyones votes be controlled. Our influence mechanism would still empower everyone to choose who they are upvoting, and which curators they want to follow.

We hid your comments because we didn't think they were adding constructive feedback to the conversation.

We welcome your constructive feedback. We don't mean to shut you down.

For simplicities sake, we did not further complicate this example with details such as the one you mentioned.
