
Actually I under stand that to receive curation rewards it depends on timing as well as steam power so even if you are the tenth up vote at say 15 min but you are new and with little steem power even with a resteem your chance of gaining rewards towards steem power is 0 if say 100 people up vote it is that correct so it seems that for a minnow to up vote is kinda time wasted when they should be more focused on content creation and negate curation? until a later time. What is your view?

For new steemians, i will recommend, interaction and building real connections, so comments and posts and activity in the chat rooms like discord and The link that will help you with content is above in the post. be innovative, technical, maybe stunty. Bring your existing visions on the blockchain and play them. Overtime, you will stand out or build a niche community and you all work together. build on steem power and you can combine it to grow, when you become a force to reckon with partnerhsips and opportunities will come in. If you have an expertise, offer it as a service thorugh a #steemgig or #steemgigs. On steemit, apart from outright sbds, as people get to know you, there can be opportunities, knocks of your door to opportunities but people need to get to know you first. So display you and shine and draw people in