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RE: Why I Think More People (Especially Women) Need to Tune into the Crypto Convo

in #steemit6 years ago

I experience that same hesitation with my friends and trust me, they all look at me like I am a little crazy since in their minds it's too volatile. haha Which it is... but one of the angles I try to take, is mentioning things that they are familiar with, like large corporations that are getting in on crypto. In their minds, that at least helps to bring some legitimacy to it all. It's hard to stomach the roller coaster, but encourage them to only ever invest in coins that they are behind 100%. I had someone invest $100 and it was when Litecoin was skyrocketing, so it got them pretty excited & they ended up learning more about crypto in general! So, that was a case of my mission being accomplished lol Keep working on the girls in your life though, I would love for more females to get on board!