Updated: How much is too much? Verbal abuse: Should you stick it out and try or pull the plug and move on!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Verbal Abuse "But he never actually hit me or put his hands on me"

Where do you draw the line?

Have you been in a relationship where you felt like you had to walk on egg shells or tip-toe around something to avoid upsetting that person or getting yelled at? Is it really worth it to basically have your freedom of speech restricted to please that other person? In the long run, who really benefits from this toxic relationship? It most likely won't be you, if you are answering yes to any of these!

Sometimes we do things we don't want to do in order to please others, that's just a part of life, but have we gone too deep and lost a sense of self-worth in the process?

Recently, I have a friend who was in a similar situation with the guy she was "hanging out with". I say that because I asked her why she would date someone who treated her that way, and she said "oh, we're not actually dating". She justified both of their actions that way. I was completely blown away by the way she acted in front of him, as opposed to who she really was as a person.

When I hung out with them one night, I counted 11 times he shushed her, and 8 times he told her that she talked too much. When I asked why she would put up with him, her answer was "the sex is so good". In my opinion, this sort of behavior is completely uncalled for, no matter what the situation is. It was to the point where even I was biting my tounge, and anyone who knows me, knows that is not normally something I would do. This guy was so manipulative, he had me walking on eggshells as well! It was all I could do to stop myself from slapping him.

Life is too short to be in such a volatile relationship (or whatever you want to call that). I really hope that one day he stumbles upon this, and takes a long, hard look in the mirror, both of them for that matter. In reality though, he is way too self-involved to even give it a thought. If you knew what kind of person she is, I think you would agree that it was very unlike her to put up with this.

Too many women these days bow down to men. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for roleplay, but if that is all it is, shouldn't it stay in the bedroom? As you can probably guess, she isn't hanging out with me anymore. She was told that I am a "bad influence on her" , and if she wanted to hang out with him, she couldn't see me anymore. If that's not insecurity, then I don't know what is.

Ok, I'm gonna be honest here.....it was me in this story, if you couldn't already tell! I am embarrassed and ashamed to even admit it but maybe, if I expose myself, I can hold myself to a higher standard and come out of this a better, much stronger person! Please tell me how stupid I am for this!! I think that's what I need to hear to snap out of it!

If you have been through something similar or know someone who is or was, please share it in the comments or private message me on discord. I'm interested in hearing other peoples thoughts. Maybe I was in the wrong here, who knows?

Join me on discord in Steemschool with @dobartim and @flysky


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Thanks @ubfitzone I really appreciate it. I have been a bit discouraged lately which is why I haven't been as active on steemit as I was in the beginning. In reality, the money isn't the reason I stay on here.....it's the quality content that keeps me coming back so I think what your doing is pretty awesome! I will continue to follow you and thanks again for the help. I greatly appreciate people like you!!

That’s so sweet of you! I always respect authors writing quality content!

I’m upvoting your comment for another 0.04SBD just to keep you motivated! We need quality authors to stay here for long!

Have a wonderful day!

Well thanks for noticing....I will post more from now on

@ubefitzone.....hope you have a wonderful weekend!