SteemitBoard - Beware of the dead fish

in #steemitboard7 years ago (edited)

Stay on your guard and don’t let yourself to be surprised by the dead fish! If you are reading this post, there is a chance you’re still alive.

Previous post :

Better to stay active!

You love to show people that you a growing minnow, a happy dolphin, a respected orca, a venerable whale … so coool ...

But the ocean is merciless and a moment of slackening can be fatal.

If you become inactive for more than 7 days, SteemitBoard will transform you immediately into the dead fish, regardless of your current level!

Inactive, for SteemitBoard it means that:

  • you have not published any post
  • you have not written any comment
  • you have not made any upvote

A magic wand

Fortunately, this condition is not irreversible, and SteemitBoard can bring you back to life instantly.

Perform one of the three operation described above, and you will be revived and able to shine again in front of everybody.

Maybe you should check if you’re still alive …

Good luck !

footer created with steemitboard - click any award to see my board of honor

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Thumbs up. Vote arcange for witness.

Thank you for your support!

Oh man, this is brilliant. Please add badges for 'Staying Alive' then as well. I joined a month ago and my goal is to never die!

"Ask, and it shall be given you" (Matthew 7:7)

nice once @arcange bwwwahhahaa

ok, on a more serious note, is there any way to maybe set up a "gone fishing" or something so in case I go camping or something and don't have internet ( yes I like some remote places) or simply need to unplug for a while. I would hate to be a dead fish. Anyway, just a thought.
Also, may I use any of these badges or images as part of my signature?

Super Thanks for this, I think I might be hooked

Here a post on how to reuse awards in your own posts.

Thanks for this @arcange Much appreciated.

As a newbie, I am learning as I go. Your post is extremely enlightening as I was completely unaware of the importance of "staying alive". I really appreciate you for keeping Steem participants on our toes. The more one learns, the better he/she can become

hahahahahaha arcange thats hilarious , good one

Yes, same here. Sadly, some of my posts have died, but hey, it's a Steemit posting learning curve.

Super cool!

I support you with Full Power!

Cheers! from @thedamus

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See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: May 18 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Cómo puedo hacer para tener más votos

teneis que usar la tag #espanol creo

Interesting.. yup stay alive

No one wants to be a dead fish.

Looks like you're still swimming ;)

Yes, it's what a minnow does.
"Keep on swimming, swimming, swimming"

hello steemitboard my be I follow you

This is great information, glad I clicked on it!

Follow back and vote

Thanks for this warning!

Love the humor of this post

Thanks you. Glad it made you smile :)

thank you so much for your support and for your help you make steemit very amazing

I don't want to be dead anymore. Please make me alive again :D

would you please describe me,
I am doing lot of activity, but my fish is still looks dead.
I am not getting my first payout, since 9 days,

Thanks for the heads up. I'm new to Steemit so this was helpful. Will follow:)

Good to know ! :)

Definitely do not want to be a dead fish.... I need a drink of water just thinking that thought.

Living fish and water are very compatible!

Living Fish and Dolphins are also very compatible )


This is a nice feature, love it!

Thanks! Have fun and Steem on!

Just a badge? Or account lockup? Or like what are the negatives? If someone is on a vacation for 15 days..then what?

Just a badge?


Or account lockup?


Or like what are the negatives?

Except people saying "ho, ho, he is a dead fish!", nothing that does really hurt

If someone is on a vacation for 15 days..then what?

He can publish a post about his holidays. Or hire a bot to vote for him. Or shorten his vacation ... One must be imaginative :)

Ho-ho-ho :D

"ho, ho, he is a dead fish!" loool

Does it count how many times you've 'died'?

No, but it could be a nice feature to add XD
Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks are happily accepted in the standard steemit currencies of upvotes & resteems 😀

I love the board though. I constantly have a tab with it open.

Wow, a fan!! You might deserve a special award for this!

Dunno how that would track lol.
But seriously, adding achievements was a great idea.

I don't want to be buried "at sea". Besides, I wouldn't fit down the drain ;)

Except people saying "ho, ho, he is a dead fish!", nothing that does really hurt
Ha ha ha, great. I'm a frog and can turn into a dead fish! Seemit is a big surprise bag.

And to bring you back alive, not a magic wand but a kissing princess ;)

I love to be kissed by princesses. Ah, you know it anyway…

Great! Unfortunally she is too young.

Yes this is a nice clever little package indeed ) well done @arange !! Upvoted and voted as one of my witnesses )

Thank you so much for your support! Really appreciated!

Would I be correct to think that we are all dead fish our first 7 days before the reporting on the account starts?

That's not correct. You will only be a dead fish at the very beginning if you create your account, then wait 7 days before doing ANY interaction (upvote, post or comment).

I really like this idea. haha...Very innovative!

Thank you and have fun =)

Creating a reason for people to leave the system? A little "Big Brother" maybe? Just thinking you will be regretting this. Especially the tight demand of days between activity. Jus Sayin.

Do not take it too seriously. It is just for fun and it does not hurt at all.
If you ever turn into a dead fish, just come back, make a vote and tadaaaa, you back alive.
For someone "active", having a look at your account once a week does not look insurmountable to me ... but I might be wrong...
Thanks for giving just one opinion ;)

Got it ......... You're resteemed ;)

This is not true. I'm the most active dead fish in history.

I think I was a dead fish for the last 3 or 4 months lol. I have a question, if I have Steemvoter working and I'm not online steem during a week, am I going to be dead anyway?

so how long did it take to get back to red?

Thank you very much for all of this. It's nice to know what the rules are.

very good to know . I am new here and trying to figure all of this out. I am having surgery at the end of the month so hopefully I can still keep my fish a live . I upvoted and now following :)

I have to ask, my SteemitBoard has shown me as a deadfish even though I have made 3 posts in the last 3 days, multiple comments, and up voting.

I will keep my consistency on STEEM

Thanks for the info. Have not (whew) received this reward,curiosity brought me here.

gracias, es magnifico

need to stay alive

Thanks for the info. It seems every time I hit a button I learn something new. Hope I can retain it. Got the span of a guppy.

I have a question. I believe I was inactive for a little bit after joining, probably for at least seven days. I took a little break because it was a little bit discouraging at first, as many people mention. But I've been back posting and upvoting again, but my steemitboard page still shows a dead fish. I'm wondering why that is.

@steemitboard is a bit overloaded with the high number of newcomers. The update was pending.
Anyway, I fixed it. You can refresh your browser to view your current status.

No problem. And thank you!

I tried refreshing in Chrome, but it still shows the dead fish. I'm not concerned about it, though, since perhaps it's just that way in my browser and for the time being. It is correct in Opera, though. I just thought I'd let you know that for the technical aspect.

And I also have been meaning to write you and say that I put together a guide page to make things easier for new Steemit users and included Steemitboard and your very helpful post about dead fish. I quoted from it so new users can know about the seven days' inactivity and keep it in mind, but also mentioned an inactive account can be brought back instantly:

:-( it's also happening with me.

No dead fish!

I post all the time now, and I am still a dead fish. It's totally bugging me!! I want to swim!


@steemitboard fixed like I'm still dead? I'm still dead!!

me to been dead even though active for 2 weeks driving me insane

Thank you for the great information i just followed you and thank you for the badge as well and upvoted as well, I just wanna know how can resteem it but I'm posting this on my story so spread awareness...

I dont know how to set up my badge to my post? Aww heck, I'm so braindead!!! Anyways upvoted you

really useful article

So now I know what the steemitboard do. Wondering what those dead fishes were about.

love this thank you

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