in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Today I am writing about a subject that really scares me. 

Why do you find children who kill their family? 

It is a subject we do not really want to talk about but it does happen. There are a few reasons one is that they do not realise that these cruel movies that they watch is just a movie.


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They might think that it will come right afterwards just like leaving the movie behind and it was just a story. 

We should watch what our children are looking at and think twice about movies like Halloween and other cruel movies. 

There is a way to prevent them from watching these as it is so easy to set an age restriction on your television. But what happens when a child is old enough to watch and really believe that it is the way to go. It is incredible how many children do kill their whole families. 

To me it is not understandable as I have wonderful children who I know will never do something like that. But please teachers and parents should know their children well enough to see if something is bothering them. Get them some help, see what you can find out why they are starting to become quiet and just removing themselves from the rest of the family.

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It could be something at school and ask the teachers what they are experiencing, as you find that your child has changed at home. Another reason can be drugs, wrong friends and they really want you to help them out with money without saying why. 

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Please make sure it is not that and their might just be a bully at school or he or she might be in love with someone who is not interested. 

It is unbelievable but things like that can drive some children who are not capable of overcoming this problem to do very nasty things. Do not make it off as something that they must just except and get over. 

Some children might just think you are not really feeling sorry for them and that you do not care, also make sure if your child wants to sleep out at a friends place that you know the parents. 

I have watched two stories now where children just killed their parents with no feeling at all and for such silly reasons as thinking that the parents do not really care. Teachers will also know what is going on, and they should let the parents know or let the child go to see a psychologist to be able to realise if the child is just unhappy or really a threat.


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Unfortunately there are children who grow up in very rich homes, and some of these parents think they can buy their children’s love and that is the end of it. Love cannot be bought, and that is a fact of life. There is a cace here where the son murdered his father and rest of the family for the money. He is now in jail for a long time, but that is just greed. 

The only way your children will feel loved is by caring for them and showing them that you really care. I am not saying never give them something that they are asking for, but never forget to love them as well. Love is when you can laugh and talk to your child and they tell you all their problems, or what really makes them happy. 

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Happiness is only when they are taught where they come from and who to thank, as God had given you your children with such a lot of love. 

He even loved us so much that He sent his only Son to die for our sins. If it was not for what God did what would have happened to all our sinners here on earth? 

So take your children to church, teach them about love, love them with all your heart and listen to them like no one else does. 

I am also saying do not smother them, they have to grow up and become nice human beings, in their own way. 

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I have so often seen parents telling children what they should do for work in life, be a lawyer or a doctor. Why do they do this?

Find out what your child loves to do and what they really want to become in life, it is not your choice but theirs. You might not feel happy with it, but this is their life so you should support them in their choices. 

As long as people are really happy they will never fall into the trap of doing nasty things to you or other people. So what I am saying is you must really care and love your children, they should know that you are standing with them and that they are truly loved. 

As I have said so many times, children just learn by example. So be that example you want them to be and do not try to tell them what they should do, and not do the same. 

Never fight in front of your children, if you have a problem with your partner please wait until you are alone and sort it out between you. 

Children get very upset and scared when they hear their parents fighting.  They know so many children at school who have divorced parents and this might scare them, and think that you are going to do the same. 

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That is really not fair to our children as they have nothing to do with our problems. We promised that we will stick together until death do us part and most of us mean it. So our children will not realise that it is just a small little thing that we have to sort out.  

Another thing to remember is once it is sorted it is over forever. Never bring it up at a later time as it is in the past and we live for the future. 

I know this is not my normal form of writing but when I heard about these children killing their families I really started thinking. 

I truly thank God that this is something he did not bring onto my path. 

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Have a wonderful happy day from me and may you have a wonderful loving family.




This is a very dangerous story. In this one person murders children.

It is very true.

true, even at my 2 years old son... I need to spent time talking and laughing with him even if he's not yet into straight sentences... a simple gesture of hug and smile creates a great conversation already... need to do it daily, an expression of love to both of us....love this post so much, even if it scares me too as a mother

I agree it is unthinkable but good to love.

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