Luna's Family (An Original Children's Story)

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

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Luna, a young elf, was the last of her tribe. The rest of her clan were washed out by the great flood, along with everything that they have. The young elf had to move around in order to survive. She learned how to find food, how to build a strong shelter, and how to live on her own. Well, not really "on her own", as she had many friends in the forest where she lived.

Ever since she arrived in the forest, the animals had grown fond of her. They would play with her all day long, and even shared their food with her. They took care of the elf as if she was one of them.

One day, a group of elves from a different tribe went to the forest to hunt. It was the first time that Luna had seen elves that were not from her clan. She became a little excited when she saw them from the tree where she lived, and so she decided to climb down and greet them.

The group was equally glad to meet her, and said that they were sorry about what happened to her family. They invited her to live with them, as their home was not very far from thw forest.

Luna was very hesitant at first, for it meant that she would have to leave her dear friends. Also, the excitement that she'd initially felt upon seeing the elves was replaced by an odd feeling of fear. She sensed a hint of danger. She thought it was silly, as the elves were all nice to her, and so she bid her goodbyes to her friends and went with her new tribe.

Along the way, Luna felt her footsteps grew heavier and heavier, as if the forces of nature were stopping her. She shrugged it off and went on. But as soon as they'd arrived, her suspicions were confirmed, and Luna regretted coming with them.

They tackled her to the ground and tied her on a tree. They were going to sell her as a slave. Luna couldn't do anything but to cry and accept her fate as they laughed at her and insulted her tribe.

But Luna's friends were suspicious too. They followed the young elf all the way to her new home, and they have witnessed everything that the other elves have done to her. The animals couldn't take it anymore, so they attacked the tribe and burned their village to avenge their poor little Luna.

When the deed was done, and none of the tribe was left, they took Luna home with them and made her swear never to leave her real home again. Luna gladly agreed, and knew for sure that she had a loving family in the forest. They may not be related in blood, but their love for her was strong and unconditional. That was more than what she could ever ask for.