The Heir (An Original Children's Story)

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Joaquin. When he was only five years old, his father died of an illness and his mother died of depression afterwards. His Grandpa Ben took him and raised him as his own. He was showered with love and affection, and never did he once felt that he was an orphan. Everything he needed was given to him.

Grandpa Ben was a wealthy man. He was once a very successful merchant who had raised enough money to buy farms, houses, and other valuable assets. He was also very kind and humble despite of his wealth. And most of all, he loved his grandson more than anything in the world.

But despite of all the old man's effort to raise his grandson well, Joaquin grew up to be a proud and arrogant young man. He didn't have any friends, because he thought that he was so rich to even speak to poor people. He was rude and would always yell at their servants. Grandpa Ben felt like a failure.

One day, the old man decided to speak to Joaquin. "Son, I am old," he said. "One day you will inherit everything that I have. But I want you to be kind and humble, for a person's worth is not measured by the money he's had, but the values he'd shown to others. That's how you'll be remembered."

"Huh. You know what's the problem with you, old man? You're so soft. That's why your people never obeyed you," Joaquin replied with a hint of irritation. "Just get over it and die already."

This broke Grandpa Ben's heart. How did his sweet little Joaquin turn out to be like this? He had everything he needed. He was loved beyond compare. Maybe the young man he'd spoken to was not his grandson after all. But then, he looked just like him.

After that day, Grandpa Ben had grown weaker. He fell sick and couldn't get out of his bed. All of his servants started to worry about him, for he won't even eat anything. He just told them that he wanted to be alone. He needed to think.

Meanwhile, Joaquin stayed outside as much as he could. He gambled and drank, wasting the money he didn't work for. He wasted the money that Grandpa Ben had given him.

A week later, one of their servants went to fetch him. "Your grandfather is dead," she whispered. Joaquin just laughed and hurriedly went home. He took all of Grandpa Ben's money, sold all of his farms and houses, and went on with his bad habits. He drank here and there, gambled here and there, confident that he had enough money to live off for the rest of his life.

But surely, money isn't everything. Grandpa Ben was right. For one fateful night, Joaquin had an arguement with some men. They were all offended with Joaquin's attitude, that they decided to strip him off of everything he had. They robbed him and tied him in the sidewalk, with nothing but his clothes and his regrets.

That night was the longest night of Joaquins life. He was alone in the cold, dark street. So far away from the life he once had. Now he had nothing, and he didn't know what to do.

Morning came, and he realized he'd fallen asleep. He felt that his hands were freed, and opened his eyes to see that he was no longer on the rough pavement. He looked around and saw that he was in an elegant room, probably inside a mansion.

"I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" a familiar voice startled him.

He jumped out of the bed and ran to embrace the old man who stood on the doorway of the room. It was none other than his Grandpa Ben. That moment, Joaquin finally understood what the old man had asked of him. And he regret that he didn't listen to him before. Now in a quiet embrace, they didn't need words. Joaquin finally realized his mistakes.

The day after they had their conversation, Grandpa Ben knew that he couldn't leave this world until he was sure that his grandson would be fine without him. So he sent his servant to tell Joaquin that he was dead, and as expected, the young man had given in to his greed. All the while, Grandpa Ben prayed that he was wrong, and that it will all turn out to be good. But when his servant reported what had happened to Joaquin, he immediately rushed to where he was and took him home.

"Grandpa, you were right. I am so sorry," the young man tearfully said.

"Hush now," Grandpa Ben replied. "I still remember the day I took you here for the first time. You were so upset, and scared. But I told you that I will take care of you and that you won't be alone," he paused. "It was the same as last night. You were once again the little boy I held in my arms, the one I swore to protect."

"Grandpa... I--"

"No no no. It's okay. I understand. I just want you to be okay, even when I'm gone."

Joaquin knew that he was the luckiest, because his grandfather loved him so much. And besides, not everyone gets to have a second chance in life. He changed his ways, and learned to be humble. He thanked his Grandpa Ben everyday for everything he'd learned.

Grandpa Ben spent the rest of his days under his grandson's care, and parted this world in joy, knowing that his Joaquin will be alright.


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Hello @lyxng, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Wow thank you for your support. More power to you guys!