Everyone wants to be a sun to shine up your life but I wish to be a moon who brightens up your darkest rife!






Full moon captured in my Sony DSC-HX400V camera!

Everyone wants to be a sun to shine up your life
I wish to be a moon who brightens up your darkest rife!
- @digitaldollar


I was almost passing without acknowledging this post. Yes the moon tends to be the most important celestial appearance at night, give you a chance for your vision when the sun is not there this also relate to our every day #life. Thanks @digitaldollar, thats a beautiful shot. Now i will have to try my camera if it can do same or more than that at night..lol.

Very nice. Using one as my wallpaper now. (the 3rd one)

Awe that is very sweet :)

Amazing how you were able to capture these!!! I have tried to take photos of the moon and still find it challenging.

Beautiful picture! I love the moon and the meaning to be a moon in the life of somebody.

That was great! Upvoted. ;)