
I missed it.

Oh no. I did one match. My first tournnament ever

Posted using Partiko Messaging

First one ever? Wow. I thought you have been playing SM for a while now.
How did you like tournament play? It is quite different thanks normal ranked play.

Well It was just for testning it out. Difficullt for me to play tournaments because I have to play exactly a time

Posted using Partiko Messaging

Yeah, tournaments sucks up your time, especially on the weekend. However, I think SM is developing a feature that will allow you to set your lineup for tournaments anytime before it starts. I hope that I understood it correctly and that I am not passing along bad information. I want to double check, but I cannot recall where I read it.

Yes I have read that too.
You have a Good deck?

Posted using Partiko Android

My deck is pretty good. I made 3 top 25 ranking and 2 top 10 ranking in the last 5 seasons. I play more than I want, but I try each season to play better and less to increase my winning percentage.

I somehow always get sucked in on the last 48 hours of the season trying to rank up and I play an enormous number of battles. This season I hope to get to about 5700, then stop play on the second to last day.

I play with some teammates and I belong to a guild that shares very useful knowledge about SM. We help each other strategize and improve our skills.