Daily daily on Steem Monsters; Dec. 19th, 2020 (Death Splinter Gameplay)

in #steemmonsters4 years ago


It is a little over midnight to sunday here in Europe and - as I am still somewhat behind on the posts - I decided it is the right time to do another one before heading into bed today...

I got the Death Splinter as a first quest for the new seson and I am usually fine with that.

I go with Zintar Mortalis when I get Death and I have him on level 3 already, and - as this is my first run in the new season - I am still lurking around in Silver 2, my entry point after the season restarted...

As usual, the links to the replays are listed below and include affiliate:






As stated above, I started out in Silver 2, so I get three picks today:


Very nice! I get one golden copy of Goblin Mech; I would have preferred an "actual" rare-pick, but a golden card is always nice, even if it is a common.

I might start selling/grinding some of my golden cards, as I still need some more copies of Bortus to get him to level 6, which is my go-to-target for every Splinter for now...

I am still on my way up the ranks again, but - as this has been quite a busy weekend and there are some plans for tomorrow as well - I might not be able to climb up to Silver 1 again before tomorrow, but time will tell...

until then, bye.


Logos/Designs by @broxi