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RE: New Features: Pending payouts + Filter options for new posts

in #steemnow7 years ago

It would be nice, but expanding the latest curation rewards to a week or month would make a lot slower to load. It takes quite some time to process all the data from the blockchain.


What would be the easiest way to copy and paste the data for the last, let's say, 500 curation payouts onto excel spreadsheet? Is the way I'm doing it (using Steemit's curation reward history page) the easiest/ fastest?

The best way is to write a script which uses the Steem API to parse the data, but it requires some programming skills.
Maybe you like this page:

I have absolutely no programming skills, which is why I have what must be such a silly question to the many here who do.

I'm pretty sure that I already tried the approach, but I'll look into it again. Maybe I missed how to do it on the first go around.

Thanks for your quick response :)