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RE: Things that make toddlers Lose there Minds!

in #steemparents6 years ago

I bought my son a sweater that says “Happy Dude.”

I put it in him this morning, he cried that he didn’t want to wear it. I’m not one of those parents that forces certain clothes on kids - but I AM one of those parents who grabs the first clean thing I see in the morning to make sure the oldest gets to school in time.

It was a long car ride.

“I don’t want to be a happy dude.”

I’m think I’m gonna donate it. Although I’m considering just telling him is says something else. The phonics teacher in me is squirming but... well, the sweater is perfect for this weather!



We've had that one before as well. The clothing everyday fight is never ending and now he's growing out of his "favorite" clothes, going to be many more disasters soon.