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RE: Giveaway !! Win a 2017 PF70 Ultra Cameo or 2018 Proof Sovereign With COA and in Original Box

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

first of all this is most awesome of you I would love one just because it is one of the coins I've wanted for a long time and never been able to get plus the contest ends on my brothers birthday he might like it also thanks for the chance my good sir SOV


keep looking out for my post, the wider it gets the more prizes I can give thanks for joining

Probably a giveaway on Instagram? Could see in an increase in followers if you done that on Instagram.


I am launching a new giveaway today, its a booby prize the 2017 6 coin proof Britannia set I class this as the worst prize ever same rules but it will be launched from DTube first same rules but need everybody to subscribe to me on DTube and give me a thumbs up and tell me why they want this hideous monster of a coin set