These mysterious signals were recorded from space, could they be extraterrestrial?

in #steemstem6 years ago

It is not new that science has long focused on the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life, exploring the universe and discovering new planets.

** NASA ** has already announced the discovery of more exoplanets that could indicate new habitable forms.

And now a recent study has identified 232 stars (from a 2.5 million sample) with a peculiar pulsating signal that could mean that an intelligent and extraterrestrial life form might be trying to communicate.

A peculiar discovery

The vast astronomical research team in charge of the study was studying 2.5 million galactic stars when they found peculiar pulsations of light at consistent intervals and in nothing more and nothing less than 234 stars.

The signs are very similar to those that a large group of specialists estimates that the aliens would do if they wanted to make contact.

And this behavior has been manifested only in stars similar to the Sun, which have the characteristic of offering a suitable habitat to house life.

The causes of mysterious space signals

According to experts, the signals can not be caused by instrumental effects. Analyzing all the possible causes, they considered that the signals can be caused by pulses of light generated by extraterrestrial intelligence as a way to establish contact.

Although another possibility seems unlikely is that the signals arise by chemical compositions in a small fraction of stars.

The team of specialists is still working on the theories and to confirm that it is an intelligent life contact, more additional work is needed and studying those stars in detail.

If something is certain, it is that these mysterious signs of space have experts thinking about extraterrestrial life beyond our Solar System. Is it possible?