Do you know what you transmit with your body language? Here some tips.

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians!

The human being has a capacity for constant communication, because even when you do not utter words, you transmit something to others through your bodily presence, your physical appearance, your facial features, your way of dressing, your posture. In this theme, it gave rise to many myths, such as the one that says that 93% of communication is non-verbal.

Body language shows the gestural ability of a human being. Within the different parts of the body, it should be noted that the face has a great expressive capacity because the look and smile have a lot of power. Having control over your body communication helps you to be aware of the message you convey in everyday situations such as a job interview, a first love appointment, a couple's discussion, etc.

If what you express through the body contradicts what you say in words, then you transmit a confusing message to the recipient.


However, despite the fact that there are many studies on body language, it is convenient to understand that you cannot analyze in a scientific way what each gesture means. Putting things in context is important so as not to make hasty deductions from certain gestures.

Body language shows the reality of the human being composed of body and mind. While your ideas are transmitted through your word, the body expresses its discomfort or well-being through bodily presence.

Therefore, little by little knows some body language tips to decipher those closed kinesics codes of our interlocutor, which would allow to adapt a better argument and take a step forward even in the Proxemics, which is linked to the proximity or withdrawal of people with its environment in a conversation and that has many psychoanalytic indicatives.

Here are some tips that can be useful to the reader:

Eye contact shows interest ... positive and negative.

When you look someone in the eye, you usually provoke some kind of reaction. It depends on the parties involved; this emotion is interpreted in different ways. That a stranger sees you in the eyes can seem like a threat and cause fear, but the look of your girlfriend can make you nervous and interpreted positively.


Swallow saliva.

It is one of the easiest ways to determine if a person feels nervous or deeply uncomfortable; it is demonstrated by the movement of the neck when swallowing saliva.

Hands in pockets.

Indicates two things; if a person comes with their hands in their pockets, they do not want to participate in the conversation. If they are talking with their hands in their pockets, it may mean they are lying or insecure.


Arms crossed with thumbs up.

It is a position that reveals confidence in oneself and at the same time superiority with respect to others that are present.

A trembling leg signals an unstable inner state.

When you move your legs it's hard not to notice. A moving leg shows anxiety, irritation or both.

Inclination of the head.

If you see a person who is bowing his head, he means he is paying attention.

Foot address.

When we are seated we usually drop the weight of one leg, the leg that remains in a linear position indicates the place where our attention is directed or towards the person in whom the individual is focusing.

Eyebrows raised many times are a sign of discomfort.

Worry, surprise or fear can cause people to raise their eyebrows out of discomfort. So if someone compliments you on your hair and raises your eyebrows, maybe you're not being honest.


If your tone of voice goes up or down, you may be more interested.

Believe it or not, your tone of voice shows your interest.

If they look at you for a long time they may be lying.

To avoid looking false, some hold the look on purpose to make it a little uncomfortable. They can also stand very still and not blink.

The crossed arms indicate that you are on the defensive, depending on the context.

It is easy to detect signs of body language, but it is important to take the context into account. Although the crossed arms typically indicate that someone does not want to talk, they also often do it when it is cold or when their chair does not have a armrest. Be aware of the environment before making a decision or changing your strategy based on this type of behavior.

Crossing the fingers.

It is a negative response to any stimulus.

Cover up or touch your mouth.

If it is done while speaking it may mean an attempt to hide something. If it is done while listening, it may be a sign that that person believes that something is being hidden from him.

Touch your nose.

It can indicate that someone is lying. When you lie, catecholamines are released, substances that inflame the internal tissue of the nose and can cause itching. It also happens when someone gets angry or annoyed.


Rubbing an eye.

It is an attempt to block what you see so you do not have to face the person you are lying in the face. Beware of people who touch their nose a lot and rub their eyes when talking to you.

Equal positions.

When two people agree or share the same idea their positions will generally be the same. Also known as the "mirror effect".

Scratching the neck.

Sign of uncertainty or doubt with what one is saying.

Carry a finger or something in your mouth.

It means insecurity or the need to calm down, in an unconscious expression of returning to the safety of the mother

Lift your head and project your chin forward.

A sign that pretends to expressly communicate aggression and power.


It is a gesture of contagious submission that can convey positive feelings. It communicates interest and agreement, but if it is done several times very quickly it can communicate that enough has already been heard.


Hold your head from behind.

Indicates extreme relaxation or also superiority if done when you are talking about a particular topic.

Support the face on the hands.

The face is usually exposed in order to "present it" to the interlocutor. Therefore, it shows attraction for the other person.

Support the chin on the hand.

If the palm of the hand is closed it is an evaluation signal. If the palm of the hand is open it can mean boredom or loss of interest.

Thank you for reading.

For more information, visit the following links:


Some of this tips are really useful and related with our cultural heritage. But when I was in Japan, I saw that many of our gestures aren't universal. But generally speaking, I think this post is really useful. :)

One cannot freely analyse a person's body language based on simple observation. While there are universal emotions for all humans, there are no universal body gestures and signs!
A person's culture and origin should always be taken in consideration.
The examples you've given are stigmatized definitions which may lead to completely inaccurate deductions if not used correctly.
Always establish a person's baseline of behaviour. Everyone has different one. Gestures are not universal for all humans.
Anyway, thank you for this read. Cheers :)