How I let the dog out and ended up with more pets

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Well, last night my dog was begging for me to let him out. Since he's getting old and can't really hear anymore, I have to kind of stay really close to him so he don't run off. While he was doing his business, I noticed he kept playing with something on the ground that had him distracted and not doing what we went out there to do. I went to get closer to him to see what it was. That was when I heard a crunch sound. Curiously, I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight. That's when I saw it. It was one of these guys that I accidentally smashed. Poor thing..


Well, after realizing that I had smashed one, I started looking around on the ground and there was 100's of them. So on the way back in, I grabbed up a handful of them and put them in a plastic container that I punched holes in for them to breathe. Google said they needed soil, a light misting, liked salad, and a place to hide. Got all of those things for them. Today I go out to the camper where i'm keeping them and see this:

I'm pretty sure they're mating.. From what I understand they can have 100's of babies a week. That would explain all the ones I came across the other night in the woods. Well, I plan on letting them go back where I found them and maybe just keeping one. They're fascinating to watch and you don't have to worry about them escaping when you're not looking. They're slower than a transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain!