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RE: The Missing Link, The Minnesota State Fair, and Midjourney

in #story2 years ago

I love that there's cable cars overhead in your first image, it looks like it was a great fair. I haven't been to something like this in so long.

Researching family lineage can be very interesting and exciting, it looks like you had a wonderful breakthrough here and added many to your family that you didn't know. Enjoy it Eric, it's nice to find your roots.


We have a pretty good fair! The tradition of it is a huge deal here. I think it's funny how it's mostly all about the food here. It wasn't so much that way in Ohio, where I was born and raised.

Thank you! Genealogy is fun and frustrating at times but the end product will be something to pass to future generations.

I'm not surprised at all about the food being one of the main attractions, it must be really good! That is so nice, that you will be able to give your children a better representation of their history, definitely worth the effort you've put in.

Some of it's good and most of it's extremely unhealthy. Lol. Yes, I'm really looking at the time I'm putting in as an investment. So many Americans have no idea about their genealogical heritage more than a couple of generations back.