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RE: My Sourdough Journey

in #story2 years ago

You're welcome! I hope to have something that doesn't resemble and interstellar spacecraft the next time. : ) I'm hearing from just about everyone whose tried to bake sourdough bread that their first few loaves were "practice". I am going to celebrate once I get it right. I'll have to check out more of the videos on the 'Our Gabled Home'. I really like the channel. So much of the things she teaches have been lost in the modern world but with food shortages projected to come later this year these will be some valuable skills to learn. Thank you my friend and enjoy your weekend!


Oh and one thing my mother taught me about regular bread baking is to wrap it in a tea cloth as soon as it comes out the oven & let it cool in there otherwise it gets way too hard, so I do that with my 'mock' sourdough bread & scones as well (biscuits in America). Any linen cloth will do.
PS I hope we see your next loaf. This one was ready for take-off 😄

Ahh, thank you for that tip! I'll try it with loaf #2. I'll be sure to post about it. I could have skipped the first loaf, like a rock across the lake. Lol.