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RE: Round Earth? Flat Earth? Introducing Crater Earth!

in #story2 years ago

One of the things I loved the most was the flat earth concept of the Ice Wall because before game of thrones there just weren't many people saying that such a thing was a thing. Then GOT comes out and suddenly it's all the ice wall, THE ICE WALL!!



That is absolutely true, haha, I did not hear much, if anything about a flat earth until then! I think it's fine, and fun, to muse over different possibilities, it's just when people get too serious and adamant about them that I cringe back. But, put in the frame of fiction, the sky is the limit! :0)

I love thinking about the possibilities. The universe is so endless it is almost beyond imagining. To think we know everything is just mental?

Exactly! As long as we don't have the answers to where we came from and where we go, then so much is just conjecture by limited minds- honestly though, the limitations create mystery, and mystery is grand :)