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RE: A Donut-Fueled Hike on Thunder Mountain Trail (Among Other Things)

in #storylast year

The photos of the landscape invite you to walk those rocky trails and the photos of the food (donuts, vegetables, fish) whet your appetite. hahaha. It's always good to go back to places we visited long ago: that can help us see how much we've changed or how places have changed. After these two weeks, what is the next plan? Are you going back home or moving on to another city? I hope the weather will be kind to you this coming week and that you can continue to enjoy and get to know. Best regards and take care, Eric.


I've definitely changed a lot more than the hiking trail had changed in the past decade. : ) Life was way different back then for me. I have a few months in Minnesota after we travel on from Arizona and then I'm off to Montreal for a little while. I'd like to make it back to Ohio to see my Mom before the Montreal trip. Thank you Nancy! I hope you enjoy what's left of your weekend! I saw the YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt (Benjamin) visited Venezuela. I haven't watched the episode yet but plan to.

Oh, that's great, Eric. Sounds good and interesting. Visiting your mom will always be an excellent plan and I'm sure she will know how to thank you for it. As our parents get older, every day we are with them is a gift to them and to us. I'll keep an eye out for those photos. A peaceful Sunday to you. Hugs