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RE: My Sourdough Journey

in #story β€’ 2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I read this laughing all through with your choice of words and I am sorry it didn't turn out as you expected but being the first time I would say you did great sir. I have no doubt there would be an improvement for the second time and so on it would get better till you master it. This is still a progress sir and well done.

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Thank you my friend! I decided to take a lighter hearted approach vs. getting irritated that it didn't work. I'm too invested in it to give up now. I have to make at least $100 worth of bread to break even with all of the gadgets I bought. Lol

Hahahaha I love your favourable disposition to it. It's a matter of time, you will make the best one yet. How is your week going sir?

Thank you! The week was decent. Summer is so short in my part of the world that I do my best to get outside and enjoy the sun and warmth as much as possible. How was your week?

Glad it was a decent one and sorry about the summer being shorter there...makes you appreciate the beauty of the warmth.

Mine was a bit busy, swamped and stressful hahaha but it sure was great. Ended well and just enjoying a relaxed weekend. How is Amstel, sir?

Thanks, spring is glorious here. And, you're right, we appreciate each and every warm day.

I'm glad your week was a good one and I hope for less stress for you in the week to come. Amstel is slowing down considerably but he is going to be 14 years old this December. We're enjoying every day with have with him!

Wow...14 years. That's impressively amazing and give him belly rubs for me sir hahahaha.

Thank you so much sir and I wish you a wonderful week ahead too.