The Legends Of Murray Part One

in #story4 months ago

Murray, a quirky and eccentric character. He has a deep love for coffee and can always be found with a cup in hand, savoring every sip. Despite his rough exterior, Murray possesses a kind heart and a mischievous sense of humor. He finds joy in the simplest things, often bursting into laughter that resembles a witch's cackle.
He worked at a roof truss company in London, Ontario, Canada. Building roof trusses was his passion and loved every minute of it and married his high school girlfriend Samantha, things were going pretty good, they were renting a house, sure they didn't own a home, but Murray didn't want to be stuck in a mortgage, he was convinced that a mortgage really equals a death contract and he didn't want to be tied down to it.
One day there landlord sold the house to someone else, the new landlord was all about profits and making lots of money, the landlord laws are pretty weird in Canada, after the new landlord owns the house for a year, they can charge what ever rent they want. So after one year the new landlord doubled the price of rent.
Murrays job was a good paying job, with the old rent price Murray and Samantha were able to save ten percent of there paychecks, but with the new rent increase it was unrealistic to be able to pay the new price.
So Murray and Samantha decided to pack up there belongings and rent a storage locker and move temporary into a cheap motel, well the motel wasn't that cheap, because of the inflation is Canada was getting really crazy, but at any rate it was still more affordable then the rent increase at their house.
Their mission was to find a new place to rent as soon as possible, they didn't care if it was only a one bedroom apartment, as long as it was within their budget.
They settled into the tiny motel, but little did Murray and Samantha realize that Canada was on verge of a major housing crisis.
The motel was sketchy at times, people strong out on fentanyl, sure the motel owner would always kick them out by calling ten police officers to come and get them out, the police were there every day, Murray told the police that they should have the police station set up at the motel, Murray said it would save them money on gas.
One day someone overdosed on fentanyl and died, that day was crazy, tons of ambulances arrived, with doctors in butcher coats, it was a sights to see.
Murray and Samantha started looking at apartments on kijiji and other websites, they found a few apartments that were within their budget, so they responded to the ads, they managed to get to look at one apartment, but it had two hundred applicants and Murray and Samantha did not get in.
So one week went by and Murray had to pay the motel again, he walked into the lobby, it seemed so strange in there, all over all the walls were photos of people that were banned from the motel, must have been hundreds of photos, Murray thought "wow is there that many bad people in the city of London?"
Weeks went by, still no luck finding an apartment to rent, Samantha was ok with that, because at least there was internet and cable there.
Months started to go by and it started to put a real financial dent into Murray and Samantha, all of their savings were gone, they were paying so much money there, eventually they had to make cut backs and only limit to one meal a day, this really upset Samantha, she started to start fantasizing about moving back with her parents and leaving Murray.
One year went by Murray found himself in lots of debt and still unable to find an apartment, he started to loose faith in the system, he felt trapped and helpless, this housing crisis is getting horrible, he thought that this country of Canada was going totally downhill, it shouldn't be this hard to find a place to live.
Samantha ended up leaving Murray to move back home, and Murray gave up on the system, he discovered that he cannot fix the problem, if he is still in the problem, so he quit his job as a beloved roof truss builder and packed his bags, sold his car, shut down his bank account, even got rid of his wallet, Instead of using a traditional wallet, Murray starting carrying his money in his underwear. He felt it was safer and more discreet way to keep his earnings close.
Murray began hitchiking and began exploring the country, he started growing one fingernail really long, he made his one fingernail pride and joy. He started taking really great care of it, often filing and polishing it to perfection. He started believing it brings him good luck and uses it for various tasks, such as opening cans or scratching itches.