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RE: Folk Tales from Gascony: The Veiled Man, Part 5.

in #story9 months ago (edited)

So the Prince went back to his father again after killing the golden-crowned flying serpent. It's so sad that his father didn't even know it's his son. I understand what it feels feel like having a son you're not proud of. No wonder he said he will order the execution of his son if he ever comes back to the kingdom.

I'm glad he unveiled himself to his mother. I wish she'll be able to convince the king on his behalf. Probably he might listen to her and reconsider his decision.
I like the change and humility of the Prince, he still went back to his Master.

This time around he's encountering the king of fishes, I know he is going to help the king of fishes and may e in return he'll receive something that will be beneficial to the kingdom. I wish him well in his next adventure.