Folk Tales from Gascony: The Veiled Man, Part 6.

in #storylast year (edited)



"Swineherd, fetch some spring water, and baptize me, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The king's son went to fetch spring water, and baptized the King of Fishes, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

“Swineherd, thank you. In seven years, I will die and go straight to heaven. Porcher, you have done me a great service, and I intend to pay you for it. Listen. When you need me, come back here, before sunrise. Turn towards the great sea, and cry three times: “King of Fishes! King of Fishes! King of Fishes!" You won't wait for me long, and I will put you out of trouble."

And the King of Fishes plunged into the great sea.

In the evening, at supper, the sharecropper, who was returning from the fair, discussed what he had seen and heard there.

“Swineherd, sad things are happening in the kingdom. The Black Death is in this country. Every day, people die there by the thousands and rot in the sun, torn to pieces by dogs and crows. They say that the old king is dying of grief. What to do there? To chase away the Black Death, the Golden Flower, the balsam flower, the flower that sings like a nightingale, should be planted in the king's flowerbed. But this flower, without equal in the world, is on an island in the great sea. Around the island, storms and tempests rumble night and day. The poor sailors who left for this trip never returned."

The king's son pretended to listen out of complacency. Yet he didn't miss a word. When bedtime came, he went to his bed; but he thought all night about what the sharecropper had said.

The next day, the king's son was up before dawn.

“Farewell, master. I'm going on a big trip."

"Swineherd, this is what I owe you. Let us part, good friends. Go, and may the Good Lord lead you. If you want to return here, you will always be well received."

"Thank you, master. Keep that money. If I don't come back in seven months, count me dead. So, spend half of my wages on alms, and the rest on having masses said for me."

"Swineherd, I will do as you said."

"Thank you, master. Farewell."

Seven weeks later, the king's son entered the church, where his sword and black veil were still hidden under the high altar.

“Hello, priest. Give me back my sword and my black veil."

"Poor man, with pleasure. Here they are."

The king's son left again. Seven weeks later, he was at the edge of the great sea, before sunrise.

“King of Fish! King of Fishes! King of Fishes!"

Immediately, the King of Fishes appeared above the great sea.

“Swineherd, you have done me a great service, and I intend to repay you. Swineherd, I know what you want. You want to go to an island in the great sea, to look for the Golden Flower, the balsam flower, the flower that sings like a nightingale. Then, jump on my back. Let's go."

The king's son obeyed, and the King of Fish sped across the waters, as fast as lightning.

“Swineherd, here is the island you are looking for. Jump down. Go get what you need, and come back quickly. I have other business elsewhere."

The king's son obeys. In front of an inn, under the arbor, on the edge of the great sea, six men were drinking, seated at a table with seven beautiful whores.

“Ho! Friend! Come laugh and have fun with us."

"Back up! pimpss. Get the hell out of here, bitches. I'm done doing bad things, and I'm trying to prove it. Bang! bang!"

And the king's son struck down with great blows of his sword on the pimps and the whores.

"Your turn, pig! To you, carrion! Go roast, with the Devils of Hell. Bang! bang!"

So this dirty world perishes. Then the king's son sheathed his sword and plucked the Golden Flower, the balsam flower, the flower that sings like a nightingale.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Part 7


I wonder why the King's son tends to be helped by so many people but I understand that he is a good boy who loves to help and that is why he is always helped by those who he has helped before and one thing is that one good turn deserves another so he got what he gave out to others.

I also noticed that things are always easy for him. Anytime he goes on a mission, he will go and come back just like the twinkle of an eye without stress. I wonder if I should say that he is so smart to get all of the things that he wanted very easy.

We all know that the King's son was full of bad behavior before. When he was going go to pluck the flowers and he saw six men, I was already thinking that he will answer them when they called him to come snd drink but he did not. He only focused on where he was going to

Sometimes when I read these stories, I realized myself as a part of story, of that times.
I realized how peoples of that time live a life of war and peace. We are living in the age of modern era.
Whatever we wants, we got it easily. But in older times, peoples have to suffered alot and especially the condition of war is dangerous.
Any country can easily attack on others and ordinary peoples as well as government suffered alot.
Today countries wants to solved their problems by discussion and avoid war.
They also have other fears like that but I think older times are good.

Waiting for the next what will happened.

Again, the king's son was put to the test, again he does something for his father and his people, but above all also for himself, because despite the temptation in front of alcohol and whores, he simply overcame it, did what he had to do to destroy the temptation and took what he needed, undoubtedly, he has also had some help that is the result of doing good and what he should do.

We wait for the king's reaction, now the son is going again to save the kingdom.

This story gets interesting day by day
The king's son rejecting the six men offer really proves that he has changed

I wish his father, the king would believe in him for once

The king's son showed great determination on his quest to obtain the Golden Flower, and he remained true to his goal despite encountering temptations and obstacles along the way. His actions reflect his commitment to change and make amends for past wrongs.
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The powerful used of alliteration is the story is alluring. The relationship between the King and his son is well convey as they didnt want part.

Above all it is an interesting story to read.


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