One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Hunchback with the Tailor, the Jew, the Christian, and the Barber of Baghdad: Eighteenth Night

in #storylast year



The Taylor's Narrative, Part 4.


Sheherazade said:

I was seized with such a fit of impatience that I tore my clothes and began to utter inarticulate cries, like a madman.

When the barber saw me doing this, he decided to take his razor and iron it on the leather that was attached to his belt. But it took so long ironing and ironing that razor across the leather that I was about to feel my soul come out of my body. Finally, he approached my head, began to shave me on one side, and removed, indeed, a few hairs. Then he stopped, raised his hand, and said to me: “O my young master, anger is a temptation of the Shaitan. And he recited these stanzas to me:

O sage! you must mature your project for a long time,
And never hurry in your resolutions!
And especially when you are chosen to be a judge of the earth.
O judge! do not judge harshly, and you will find mercy for yourself in your fatal turn.
And do not forget that there is no hand on the earth so mighty
That cannot be lowered by the hand of Allah which dominates it.
And do not forget that the impious and tyrannical man
Will always find a tyrant who will oppress him."

Then he said to me: “O my master, I see very well that you have no consideration for my merits and my talents. And yet it is this same hand, which shaves you today, which also touches and caresses the heads of kings, emirs, viziers, governors, and all noble and illustrious people. And it is for my intention, or in honor of someone who strongly resembled me, that the poet said:

All trades I consider as precious necklaces,
But this barber is himself the most beautiful pearl of the necklace.
He surpasses in wisdom and greatness of soul the wisest and greatest,
And his hand holds under it the heads of kings."

In response to all these words, I said to the barber: “Do you want to take care of your job at last, or not? In truth, you have shrunk my chest and completely damaged my brain!" So he said to me: “I think I understand that you are in a bit of a hurry to get it over with." And I exclaimed: “Yes, of course! but yes, of course! but yes, of course!" He said: "Teach your soul a little patience and moderation, for haste is a suggestion of the Tempter, and it can only bring repentance and all the failures of fortune!" And moreover, our suzerain Mohammad (upon him be prayer and peace!) said: “The most beautiful thing in the world is that done slowly and fully matured!" But what you have just told me greatly excites my interest, and I beg you to explain to me the reason which makes you so impatient and for which you are in such a hurry. I hope for my part that it is a pleasant motive, and I would be very sorry if it were otherwise. But really I have to take a break because I only have a few hours of favorable sunshine left." So he left the razor aside, took his astrolabe and went out into the sun and stayed a good while in the yard, and measured the height of the sun, but still without losing sight of me and addressing me from time to time another few questions. Then he came back to me and said: “If it is for the midday prayer that you are in such a hurry, in truth you can wait quietly, because we still have a good three hours left, more or less. I am never wrong in my calculations." I said to him: "By Allah upon you! spare me all this talk, for you have shattered my liver!"

Then he took up his razor again, and began to iron it as he had done before, and began again to shave my head a little; but he could not refrain from continuing to speak and said to me: “I am very sorry for your impatience; and if you would reveal to me the cause of it, it would be a good and a profit to do so. For you know now how much your late father held me in esteem, and that he never undertook anything without consulting me." I then saw that there was no longer any means of deliverance for me and I thought in my soul: "Behold, the time for prayer is already approaching, and I must be with the young woman, otherwise this will be too late and hardly will I be there when people will have finished the prayer and come out of the mosques. Then all would be lost for me!" So I said to the barber: "At last cut short, and far from you, all these vain words and this indiscreet curiosity! I am, if you absolutely want to know, obliged to go to one of my friends for an urgent invitation to a feast!"

At these words of invitation and feast, the barber said to me: “May Allah bless you! and may this day be full of prosperity! because you have just reminded me that I invited several of my friends to my house today and that I completely forgot to prepare the meal for them. I'm only thinking about it right now when it's already too late!" So I said to him: "Don't worry about this delay, I'll remedy it right away. As long as I don't eat at home myself and am invited to a feast, I am willing to give you all the food, food, and drink I have at home, but on the condition that you immediately put an end to this whole affair and that you quickly finish shaving my head! He answered me: “May Allah fill you with his gifts, and may he return them to you one day in blessings! But, O my master, have the goodness to enumerate a few of the things with which you wish to gratify me, so that I may know them!" I said to him: "I have at your disposal five pots filled with all sorts of delicious things: stuffed aubergines and squash, stuffed vine leaves seasoned with lemon, puffed dumplings with cracked wheat and crushed meat, rice with tomatoes with small pieces of mutton fillet, ragout with small onions; moreover I have ten roasted chickens and one grilled mutton; then two large trays, one of knafeh and the other of soft cheese and honey pastry; fruits of all kinds: cucumbers, melons, apples, lemons, and fresh dates, and many more! He then said to me: "Have all this brought into my presence, so that I can see!" And I, I had all these things brought, and he examined them and tasted each thing, and he said to me: “Your generosity is a great generosity. But there are no drinks!" I said to him: “I have some!" He said to me: "Have it brought!" And I had six pots filled with six kinds of drinks brought, and he tasted each one and said to me: "May Allah provide you with all his graces! How generous is your soul! But it lacks incense, benzoin, and perfumes to burn in the room, and also rose water and orange blossom water to sprinkle my guests." I then had a cassette brought to him filled with ambergris, aloe wood, musk, incense, and benzoin, the whole worth more than fifty gold dinars; nor did I forget the aromatic essences and the silver sprinklers containing the scented waters. And as time had become as narrow as my chest was, I said to the barber: “Take all this! but finish shaving my whole head, by the life of Mohammad — on him be the prayer and the peace of Allah!" The barber then said to me: “By Allah! I will not take this cassette until I open it and see all the contents! So I ordered my young servant to open the cassette, and the barber put aside his astrolabe and squatted on the ground and began to handle all the perfumes, incense, benzoin, musk, ambergris, wood of aloes that were in the cassette, and he sniffed them one after the other and with such slowness and procrastination that I felt my soul about to leave my body. After that, he got up and thanked me and took his razor, and got ready to continue shaving my head. But no sooner had he started than he stopped short and said to me:

“By Allah! O my child, I do not really know which of you I must bless and praise today, you or your late father! Because, in truth, the feast that I must give at home is entirely due to your generous initiative and your magnanimous gifts. But would I tell you? I really only have as guests at my house people unworthy of all this sumptuous feast, because like me they are people of different trades. But they are delicious and full of interest. And, if I have to list them for you, they are: first the admirable Zeïtoun, the masseur of the hammam; the cheerful and pleasant Salih, a seller of roasted and crushed chickpeas; Hâoukal, the seller of fermented beans; Hakraschat, the vegetable seller; Hamid, the manure sweeper; and finally, Hakaresch, the curd seller!

All these friends whom I have invited, no more than I, your servant, are neither talkers nor inquisitive prying eyes; but they are bons vivants who banish all melancholy. The least of them is worth more, in my eyes, than the most powerful king. Know, indeed, that each of them is famous throughout the city of Baghdad for a different dance and song. And, if it pleases you, I will dance for you and sing the dance and the song of each one of them.

At this point in her narration, Sheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.

First Night - Second Night - Third Night - Fourth Night - Fifth Night - Sixth Night - Seventh Night
Eighth Night - Ninth Night - Tenth Night - Eleventh Night - Twelfth Night - Thirteenth Night
Fourteenth Night - Fifteenth Night - Sixteenth Night - Seventeenth Night


I enjoyed the way you described the characters and their personalities. The hunchback was a sympathetic character who was clearly misunderstood by others. The tailor was a kind and generous man who was always willing to help others. The Jew was a shrewd businessman who was always looking for a good deal. The Christian was a devout man who was always praying to God. And the barber was a wise and witty man who always had a good story to tell.

I also enjoyed the way you wove together the different stories of the characters. It was fascinating to see how their lives intersected and how their stories were all connected.

Oh my goodness... This barber is something else.

As a result of being away and trying to catch up, I had to start from the beginning. And this barber certainly behaves like a parasite. A client doesn't want to hear you talk so much but just give him a good haircut so he can attend to the affairs of his life, but, you are so adamant to piss him off with your incessant speeches.

This man actually is patient to have waited him out until he suddenly remembers he had a feast.

I had thought remembering the feast will make him hurry up with the haircut and move along to take care of his visitors, but, no, he is now downgrading the generosity of this man, and asking for a lot of things. Even when he got all that he asked for, he still didn't finish the hair, instead continued to blab on and on about his visitor's names and how they are undeserving of the food and drinks. .... I am even frustrated, imagine how the man would be feeling.

Let's see what he does in the next story, and what could have transpired again to make the man hate him that much and swear never to eat at the same table with him or share a space with him. Maybe, his incessant talking had caused the man to lose the chance to see the beloved girl he fell in love with and had his health deteriorating by the day until that day when the good news was brought to him that the girl accepted to meet with him.


This barber of badgahd really never ceases to amaze me. His character is something to behold. At this point, we really can't detect his real nature.

The barber seems somewhat tricky and elusive but we'll still be around to observe as more details emerge.

The incessant manner in which the barber talks is really surprising. He just goes on and on without feeling weary. The story of the barber seems to be of great interest to me.

I don't why but I'm really eager to know how things really go down.

I anticipate the next episode of this compelling story. This is creative💡

Impatience swelled, clothes torn in despair,
The barber, unfazed, ironed with care,
Words of wisdom, he sought to impart,
Yet delays persisted, testing my heart.
Generosity offered, feast in delight,
But shaving delayed, time slipping out of sight.
Patience learned, a virtue redefined,
In a tale of frustration, peace I find.

As we all know nowadays that there are many worries in our lives and there are many things that we have to do in our future life, so if I go to any place cutting If that person does this to me, I will say that he is doing it wrong and why is he telling me his stories, I have no interest in him.

It would cut it and send it back to me immediately. What is the interest of the person sitting now that I ate this, I did that, and my customers do it this way. Nobody has that much time these days. This things irritate the guy very highly. As we saw in yesterday's episode, the guy falls in love with the girl and he tries so hard to get her but he can't and it becomes very sad then he In the end,

The girl who happens to be agrees and tells him that we will definitely meet, which makes him very happy because when someone finds love, there is a lot of happiness. The story gets a lot more interesting now to see what else it tells the cutting man.

The barber continues with his endless talk and the young man can no longer despair of impatience. We do not know what is the reason for so much talk if it is only greed to get more money and goods out of the young man or is there something else behind so much talk.
We also don't know why the young man doesn't put an end to this farce and looks for another barber, maybe he doesn't have time.
What I do know is that I am also losing patience and that means that the story achieves its objective in the reader.

I feels frustrated. The barber was so much talkative. As I feel or think that he is a greedy man as he is asking for having food for his guests.
On the other hand the young man was very much generous. As he granted all his food to him.
But there is also a reason that be wants to go in hurry but barber was too much lazy.
He saw sun and then by examining don't know what? He forget about what he was doing, and concerned towards delicious food offered to him.
I think that barber do not want that he goes towards that young lady. But why? I can't stand such type of Peoples too much long and whenever I feel frustrated, I realized that person to leave me alone.
Great post. Waiting for the next.


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