
tres bien - une vie pas normal, j'ai des problème en ce moment - now switch to English - I am jumping between your stories - not good - I will reserve some hours of my next weekend to read from the beginning otherwise i get mad - great plot so far....

Thak you.

Please, don't get mad!

@vcelier hi ya!
you got me curious about Le Baloon .. it's amazing how you've got to keep all these memories vivid in your head. I missed reading your stories but for now ..I'll skim and come back .. to read again :D

you got me curious about Le Baloon

Will you watch the movie?

it's amazing how you've got to keep all these memories vivid in your head

Really? I always have the feeling that I forgot a lot of things.

will I watch the movie - I just wrote it on a post it - curious
but definitely not tonight .. I should be hitting the bed already but I feel embarrassed not being able to return ups.. but I have to retire to stay well .. soon
I have no idea but it seem like it - I could only judge on what I read .. you surely know better if you're memories are that well kept or not but man you sure shared plenty of info even your elementary teacher's names - it's amazing!

What i read so far is inspiring, mad was more meant because of my lack of organisational reading behaviour

Perhaps if I hadn't been born as the chosen one with with 27,000 midichlorians I too could have enjoyed a peaceful life like yours...

Perhaps you would.

But I am sure you would have been bored, and you would start all kinds of mischief, with the end result that it would no longer be a "peaceful life".

nice post