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RE: My Great Spiritual Journey - Astrology, Mushrooms & Ayahuasca (SWC)

in #swc6 years ago

you know those ppl that have no game? Well im worse, i have negative game xD so i should probably read that book
My next trip is to Thailand, visiting for the beauty ofc, ill try to pay it with steem xD


Thailand is awesome, I have been there a million years twenty years ago!

You don't need game to find true love. It will find you if you open your heart to the possibility.

twenty years ago? that was literally decades ago!! If i ever travel to Thailand you can tag along xD ill be happy to have you as a travel companion @flauwy !
PS- still saving that witness upvote for when you become a witness

And I am still trying to figure out how to install that bloody software on the server...

Would love to help, but my knowledge about the stuff is 0 unfortunately.
Take as long as you have too! Your witness upvote is as secure as my ledger wallet xD (inside a safe, buried, protected by 2 attack dogs, a velociraptor and a clown just for the lols)

I wanna see someone painting that scenerey so that I can sell the plans to the highest bidder.