Happy birthday to you my lovely friend

in #tasteem5 years ago

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Hi hksteemit,

Your post is wrong please refer to the contest rules below. Do not spam on Tasteem! If you keep violating Tasteem rules you will be blocked from using our service. This is a second hide2 for you.


Please read the contest rules.

  • You must post a review of a restaurant that you have actually visited recently.
  • Your post must contain at least 3 photos and 8 sentences.
  • You must post about a restaurant review that matches the contest theme.
  • You must have at least one photo taken by yourself at the restaurant.
  • If you are to use images from outside sources, please make sure you get a permission from the owner and leave the source in the post.
  • You must post in a matching language, without the use of any translation tools.
  • You must NOT post about franchises (fast-food/cafe and etc.), delivery or take-out food.
  • You must NOT post about a restaurant that you have posted within a month ago.

Thank you.
[Tasteem supporter] Carlpei


Thank you for entering our <Your weekly choice > Contest . Thanks to @hksteemit, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!