Educators need upgrades! The learning never stops!

First Day of the Semester with an Upgrade Session with Educators

Today started with a meeting together with a bunch of educators from other faculties having experts from some of these faculties to share with us technologies to implement for teaching purposes. Having these experts or educators who have used these techs during their teaching, test them and know how effective and useful it would be for educator and also the students are just blessings.

When you talk about education, it isn't always just educators to the students but many at times, educators themselves are learning all the time! We learn when we prep our materials, challenging ourselves all the time to come up with something different, creative and yet challenging enough depending on the requirements for each level, having debates and exchanges of opinions and discussion with students, sitting down listening to their research and presentations and most importantly, getting to sit with people from other majors and expertise just share from their field and enlightening us.

Learning never stops, no matter what age, status or level we're at in life. A heart opened for learning will always promise growth in all areas. Once a person stops learning, that's the beginning of their downfall.

I never enjoyed learning when I was young as my focus was always on sports and being very competitive. However, when I entered tertiary studies, I realized that learning is very fun, exciting and interesting. Being able to take in knowledge that many times would blow my mind hence enticing me to read and know more. Apart from that, I am never satisfied just staying at status-quo but ever competitive to wanna take up new skills and knowledge that pushes myself always out of the comfort zone.

From a person who isn't interested in studying/reading/learning to a sportsperson then moving towards education was never the path I would imagine I would be at. In fact, when I am given the opportunity to attend workshops, conferences or sharing sessions, I would leap with joy as I would be able to learn something. Gosh!

And this is very important for educators I guess to have because learning is fun and when it is fun, the students will feel and enjoy it too rather than having it as an obligation and a chore dragging our feet to lectures and tutorials.

I urge all educators in any form to keep learning! Never stop learning! Then keep sharing, with passion! The world needs great and passionate educators :) God bless you!!


A sharing session on using technology for innovative teaching attended this morning






Hi, great post.

I do not want to follow every fashion but being uptodate is super important.

Also I try to observe my students' world, take a look into their computergames and their social media as far as they tell me their nicknames.

Keep up the great work.

Yeah agree with you! Observation is one of the best ways to learn too

Even educators need to get a new education to educate the new generation :) Agree on the idea of lifelong learning.

Indeed! Learning is a never-ending journey! :)

Necessarily the educators must constantly update themselves, be up to date with the technological advances, renew their way of dictating their classes, until they know the fashion words of the students.
A good teacher never stops learning.

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That's definitely true, you know what would be more fun? Getting extra upgrades on education overseas conferences..hehe

oh you bet!! I wish I would be given that opportunity some time soon!!

Any more positions in your college? hahaha... I don't get much opportunities, most of the time, we would have to pay for our own trip

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